‘No one will escape,’ says YHWH.
Proclamation Record
Type: Prophecy.
Received: July 23rd, 2024.
Published: Oct. 10, 2024.
By Elvira.
This prophecy began with a dream and the dream came with its interpretation.
I saw a group of Hollywood celebrities in a room. They were looking glamorous and all. I could distinctly identify Emma Stone, Jennifer Anniston, and George Clooney but many other ‘A-listers’, as they are called, were there too.
Then I was woken out of the dream by some noise in my neighbourhood. I decided to go to the bedroom to be calmer [I had been napping on the couch in the living room].
When I laid back down, I had another vision. I was wide awake, only with my eyes closed.
I saw a woman viciously shaking her head from left to right as if she was having a psychotic event. Then, another vision was laid underneath the vision of this woman. This vision was that of a man sitting at an office desk but whose face I could not see, only his shadow. He is the one who was commanding this woman like a puppet. She kept flapping her head like that as he commanded, and the scene ended.
The Lord is exposing here that the celebrities we see are only puppets, not simple puppets, but psychotic ones as this woman was. They are living on the edge of madness, whilst the true masters are hidden in the shadows. Proclamation #10 exposes the level of their despair in greater detail.
The puppet masters are not even the network, record label, or studio executives as many people who would deem themselves ‘woke’ to what happens behind closed doors would think. The true masters’ names are completely unknown to the public. They are the shadow behind those in the shadows.
Then I saw an image of The Fruit Factory website. Upon it was overlaid a picture of a woman speaking, giving answers to questions and solutions to problems. I understood that the Lord was showing a picture of this ministry with me as His sent messenger, labouring on this field.
Then I saw a man who had been walking towards a door stop in his tracks upon hearing the woman speak. He began to change course, taking a left instead of going straight ahead. But after a few steps, he paused, reflected a bit, then went back to his original itinerary.
A woman stepped out of the door that he had been walking towards. She called him and he answered, hurrying up to meet her as if he had not just changed course for a moment there.
I understood that the Lord was showing how a majority of people in that space react when they listen to these prophetic words. This also includes people who are not celebrities but constitute the industry’s workforce for I know that they are all reading and listening here, and have been a while before this ministry was launched as The Fruit Factory.
If we look at the parable of the sower in Matthew 13, the seeds of the Gospel to repent and turn away from being devil worshipers and his slaves finds no fertile ground in an overwhelming majority of these people’s hearts.
The people of Hollywood shown in this part of the vision have hearts of stone. ‘ But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. ‘ [Matthew 13: 20-21].
They also have hearts filled with thorns. ‘Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.’ [Matthew 13: 22]. That is why prophecies like Proclamation #12 exist.
The visions continued with me being taken to the place towards which the man has been walking, and I realised that it was the same place I saw the celebrities in the first part of these visions and dreams. There were more of them in this room now and they were having a great time, it seemed.
The room was decorated as if it was for a gala event. The women wore lavish dresses and the men clean-cut tuxedos. There were dimmed lights and ambient music on a live piano. Then the Lord showed me a comedian coming on stage and started a skit about Christianity. The entire room erupted in non-stop laughs as the comedian incessantly mocked the Gospel.
There was also a special part of the skit dedicated to the woman who had been speaking at the Fruit Factory in the previous vision and her life of consecration to Christ. He said things like ‘Consecration? What? What is that?’, and the whole room erupted in uncontrollable laughter and applause, ‘Hahahahahahaaaa’.
This was the congregation of the ones who never even received the seed on any ground, but along the wayside. ‘When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside.’ [Matthew 13: 19]. That is why prophecies like Proclamation #9 exist.
Now, as they laughed, I heard their voices begin to fade away more and more until the laughing seized.
Then I saw a powerful Man’s hand taking up a large brush and dipping it into a pool of blood. This hand was the Hand of God, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself coming into this vision to take action. I call this hand powerful because raw power was oozing out of Him. The me who was watching this could feel the immense power come out of the Lord.
He wrote in large capital letters the word WRATH on a board that appeared like a screen in front of me.
Then I was taken back to the room the celebrities had been in but it was empty. My point of view was zoomed into a large round dining table on top of which were hundreds of little wooden figurines. The figurines represented the celebrities who had been previously dining, wining, laughing and scoffing in the room mere minutes prior.
I saw the same hand of the Lord that had drawn the WRATH word earlier now come into the frame and begin to choose a few figurines from the table. I saw that only 5 figurines were selected out of several hundreds of them and put to safety outside the frame. For many are called but a few are chosen [Matthew 22:14].
He then took a large black bag that looked like a trash bag, only it was made of fabric, not plastic. He placed it at the end of the table and swept all the figurines off the table and into the bag by one single move of the hand. SWOOSHH!
After they had all been collected into the bag, the bag was tightly tied with a rope. Then I saw the Lord’s full body, not just His hand, revealed. He took the bag and threw it over His shoulder.
As the bag flipped over his shoulder, I saw that the WRATH I had seen being written with blood earlier by His hand was on this bag.
It was the BAG OF WRATH.
The Man, who was the Lord Jesus Christ, then walked quietly to the door with that bag of wrath containing all the Hollywood figurines hanging over his shoulder. He got out of the room and shut the door. He was calm and decisive. His mind was made up.
This is where the vision ended.
[Some parts of the visions were redacted for confidentiality reasons].
On September 24th 2024, I received the following statement from the Lord about this vision.
Thus says the Lord:
‘Hollywood’s destruction has begun.
Hollywood stars will become sick with horrible skin diseases and coughs. They will do everything to keep it secret and keep going and as they do that, all of them whom the Lord will judge will impart those sicknesses onto everyone who follows them. So the deadly calamities will spread through their fandoms.
Both the celebrity and all who have idolised and continue to idolise them will be afflicted and will die.’
On October 7th 2024, the Lord added:
‘The Great Mother of Harlots, Babylon, the heart of her Harlotry is Hollywood. The beating heart of her abominations is in that place ruled by the synagogue of Satan, his evil ruling hand over the earth. There is evil in many places on the earth but a few compare to what is done in that wretched place.
Hollywood will disappear from the horizon in an unexpected way. I, The Almighty, will wipe them out of existence.
They will suffer earthquakes like Los Angeles has never seen before. They will suffer floods like the world has never seen before. The entire city will be plagued by the pestilence and calamity will not depart from their midst. Then behold, suddenly, the city will be burned with Sulphur as Sodom and Gomorrah were burned.
I, YHWH, will rain down Sulphur from heaven and burn the entire city to ashes. There will be nothing left of it. From the infant to the great-grandparent, all will be consumed until there is nothing left of it and no man shall ever rebuild that place to do anything. Like Jericho, the land will be forbidden and cursed for eternity.
Then, those who blaspheme and mock Me. Trample and berate My word and messenger. Speak of My statutes as if it were fiction or foolishness. They will be no more. The shouting and the cries of the innocent bloodshed will be comforted by the complete destruction of that wretched place.
Only a handful will make it out alive, and those are the ones who are repenting right now. Those who are reading this and turning away from their sin and abandoning that place. Those who will do what I asked My people to do: Come out from among them and be ye separate. If you think you can continue to partake in Babylon’s sins and live, you are as foolish as your father the devil.
There is no place for you to escape to. Even if you, the perpetrators of evil and the lawless, those who show partiality to wickedness and support the diabolical system of that heinous place, you will not escape. Even if you move out of the country to go and take shelter on another continent, the plague will find you there. If you go to an African village, it is there that the pestilence will kill you.
You will not escape My wrath, for the cup of your iniquity has reached heaven and surpassed anything any town has ever done in the history of mankind. I will spare no one.
No one will escape.
Then the entire earth will watch and remember and respect that despite all the programming you have attempted for years to put in their heads, there is God who made the heavens and the earth by His own hands and by that hand has He destroyed the wicked and upheld righteousness for His name’s sake.
Very soon the window for repentance shall be closed. Whoever does not repent before then, know right now that you and your entire family shall perish.
I, YHWH have spoken and My word will not return to Me void.’
[The Lord had previously revealed that the United Stated Of America is Mystery Babylon – Revelation 17,18,19 – of the end times]
(I) Revelation 18: 1-8
‘After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory.
2 And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!
3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.”
4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.
5 For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.
6 Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her.
7 In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’
8 Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her.’
(II) Revelation 19: 1-5
After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, “Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!
2 For true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her.”
3 Again they said, “Alleluia! Her smoke rises up forever and ever!”
4 And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sat on the throne, saying, “Amen! Alleluia!” 5 Then a voice came from the throne, saying, “Praise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, bothsmall and great!”
The Lord has been warning Hollywood of this judgement through this ministry and other ways I was commissioned by Him to evangelise to them since January 2022, and I know that many were sent before me to do the same.
Now the judgement has been proclaimed and as you can see, the end game is death and complete destruction.
Something that stands out from this prophecy though, is the fact that the Lord has selected 5 people out of Hollywood as people set apart for Himself to do His work, and who He has put away in safety and hiding for this purpose.
The public may never know who these people are, for the Lord’s work has always been varied and strategic, but even moreso now in these end times. Many [even outside Hollywood] will labour very hard on the Lord’s field and receive great rewards but will never be known by the public.
I know all of you are watching and reading. You know the truth but choose to mock it, scoff at it, and blaspheme it. Those of you who have a brain cell left in your heads will rush to their knees and repent NOW.
Are you not seeing what is happening to your colleague Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs in the law and the press right now? Mere weeks – Yes, weeks – after the Lord proclaimed here that He would avenge Justin Bieber for what Hollywood has done to him, here we are, Sean Combs is arrested by the police. Now suddenly, everyone is noticing that something is wrong with his predatory attitude towards Justin.
Videos are unearthed all over the internet dating back over a decade. When Sean Combs was trending for the raiding of his house or other lawsuits since 2023, no one was speaking about Justin, but mere weeks after the Lord’s proclamation, now all the internet is speaking about on top of this arrest is Justin’s subjection to him as a minor.
Well, YHWH, The Almighty, the God of the Bible, the One whole rules in heaven and has the earth as His footstool, has not even scratched the surface. More on that will be coming in future prophecies. You will all be exposed and those of you who choose to ignore and continue to ignore, you will die. God cannot be mocked.
Proclamation #14 will give you more context about the judgement by media scandals and exposure of your wickedness.
But in this prophecy, the Lord is telling you where you will end after it is all said and done: burned with sulphur in this age and drinking hot lava in the lake of fire into eternity in the age to come.
Only a handful of you have ears to listen, may that handful listen right now and flee and be separated from Babylon and reconciled to God. The clock is ticking.
For the rest, know that heaven is already rejoicing over your destruction for many you have destroyed, so you will be paid in full for your wickedness and harlotry. In the Lord’s words, ‘No one will escape’.
He who has ears, let him hear.
About The Author
Elvira is a born-again believer in Jesus Christ who received her call from Yah to do this work in 2021. She is a German author with interests in law, media, and business.
Elvira does not use social media.
Insight Into The Fruit Factory