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By Elvira.

The overwhelming majority of humanity, including the bulk of true Israel and the Church of Jesus Christ, is not aware of the fact that God, in the triune person of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is:

(1) A very nuanced mighty Being,

(2) Who does not compromise Himself for our volatile feelings and,

(3) Whose ways must be learned, assimilated, respected and then integrated into our spirits, souls and hearts.

Only then, can one be supernaturally enabled by the Holy Spirit to bear fruit for His Kingdom, and in the cases of this generation, to survive the end times abomination that causes desolation spoken about by Daniel the Prophet in Daniel 12.

‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.’ – John 15: 5-6

Rewriting your precepts.

It must be bluntly stated that most of Yah’s true personality and nature have been ignored, misrepresented, and/or erased from modern Christian doctrine. Yet, that nature never changed for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It is the one who desires to survive these coming times of great suffering and tribulation who must rewrite their precepts about God and align their beliefs with His truth about Himself revealed in His word, the Bible.

In the scripture of John 15 above, Jesus was talking not to sinners or people outside of the faith but to His Hebrew disciples who were also His best friends. To them, He said, ‘If you do not bear fruit, you will be cast out, withered and burned in the fire.’ In case one must remind themselves, the place where the fire burns is that place called hell.

What do you think He would tell His church today, who teaches people “Once saved, always saved”? What would He tell true Israel today, who continues to chase after idols, not learning from her ancestors’ mistakes?

Thankfully, you won’t have to think or wonder, for the Fruit factory is where the Lord speaks and in the next paragraphs Yah proclaims exactly what is on His mind about this topic.

To true Israel, thus says the Lord:

‘Judah, you have been deceived by the witches, sorcerers and warlocks you call leaders and role models who preach “back to the roots” and “reconnecting with the ancestors” as if they love you and are “rooting for the culture”.

Awake, O sleeper!

As soon as the cameras stop rolling or they have ended the live stream, they are trading your souls for money and fame to Baphomet.


Rise up from the dead, Israel! Your roots are not in Africa, or native America, or India, or Europe, or anywhere else that Satan has brainwashed you to believe that you come from. Your home is Israel, My holy nation. The land I promised your father Abraham and will surely give you.

Awake, O sleeper! And Christ will give you light.

Rise up from the dead, Israel, and turn to your Messiah!’

To the Church of Jesus Christ, thus says the Lord:

‘Religion is poison.

Do not be deceived, the Church that I consider My Church is in no way what fills up these huge buildings. The Church has been impregnated with rotten seeds that can produce no fruit. Why have you cast away your first love and fallen into the hands of wolves and your self-developed demonic doctrines?

I am tired of whiny, arrogant, weak, powerless and unprepared believers who have made up an idol of a certain god in their hearts that they claim is Me but this god is absolutely nothing like Me, despite them having My eternal living word accessible to them where My nature and personality is thoroughly documented and shows them exactly who I AM.

This self-imposed deception is going to cost you your life in these end times.

Do not get Me started with the lost Catholics whose Mary I do not know.

Awake, O sleeper! And Christ will give you light. Lift the veil of ignorance and blindness from your eyes, rise up from the dead, My people.

This church is a harlot married to the world yet claiming to belong to Me. She is obsessed with her self-interests. She is extremely selfish, stuck in a world that revolves around getting blessings, fame, money, good feelings, and claiming salvation whilst belonging to Satan because she will not listen to Me, her Lord. She will not practice what My word says. She will not dare sacrifice herself for anything or anyone, not even for Me who sacrificed Myself for her first.’

To both true Israel and the Church, Thus says the Lord:

‘Behold, the time for judgement and for testing with fire is at hand.

Behold, the time to show your fruit is at hand.

Behold, all the fruitless branches shall be cut off, left to wither, and then bundled together to be burned in the fire.

Behold, the return of the Lion of the tribe of Judah is here.

When the Master asks you what you did with His talents, what will your answer be? I know what your answer is right now, ‘Nothing. I buried them like the useless servant that I am!’

And what I have to tell you is, ‘Wail! For the hour of tribulation shall ravage you, you useless servant. You are a disgrace to your Master. I do not know you.’

To true Israel and the Church, I, The Almighty God, ask: where is your fruit?’

Precepts define your paradigm.

‘I understand more than the ancients, Because I keep Your precepts.’ – Psalm 119:100.

A precept is a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought (Oxford Dictionary). To go deeper than the dictionary definition to understand the essence of this word, let’s look at its etymology.

Precept comes from the Latin word ‘praecipio’ which is made up of 2 parts: ‘prae’ and ‘cipio’.

(a) ‘Prae’ means: Because of, Before. In front of, or In front. This is often what we use at the beginning of words as prefixes. For example: prenatal means before birth.

(b) ‘Cipio’ means: I capture, seize, or take. I take in, or I understand. I take on.

(c) Therefore, the word Precept means to understand what is intended in a rule before it is voiced. Or, to seize, take in, or capture the truth within a rule.

A precept is what precedes a rule, a collection of which constitute a paradigm. It is the spirit behind the rule and its intention. It is the thought that gives the rule its meaning and the foundational belief behind it.

When you are in the Kingdom, you must be constantly shifting your paradigm by continuously improving your understanding of how God establishes His precepts and their holistic application to your beliefs so as to shape your reality into one that magnifies God and makes Him your primary focus.

Let’s take as an example the concept of prosperity. This is a universal term with a well-accepted definition to mean money, success, financial stability, wealth, health, beauty and other things along those lines. But have your leaders [in and outside the Church] ever taught you that prosperity in God’s precept has nothing to do with you and how your life is going and everything to do with Him?

‘”For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ – Jeremiah 29: 11. Most Christians know this verse which is often taught as a prosperity feel-good message by the modern day preacher or prophet.

Yet, the verse continues with the following: ‘”Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”‘ – Jeremiah 29: 12-14.

So the Lord’s prosperity is speaking of a return to prayer, an intimate relationship with Him, a surrender to Him, a softening of the heart, a reconciliation with Him, and freedom from captivity. Is this what your pastor taught you? Or were they too busy preaching elaborate sermons about tithing to unlock your prosperity? Not that there is anything wrong with tithing, but you get my point.

(For the record, please do tithe for it is one of Yah’s most important precepts of obedience, submission and faith).

YHWH’s paradigm is built differently.

True Israel and Christians must live in a different paradigm. Our paradigm is one built upon precepts that to the world is the aroma of death leading to death, and to the righteous lover of God and truth is the aroma of life leading to life.

As this paradigm shift happens, one will increasingly be apt to recognise the many ways in which the world’s paradigm is utterly foolish.

The believer will begin to hate sin as much as God hates it and reject everything that is associated with it.

The believer will become allergic to lies and find solace in the truth, Christ personified.

Reading the Bible, worshipping God, and spending time in fellowship with Him through prayer will stop feeling like a duty but will become a safe haven the believer looks forward to in order to endlessly soak into the eternal spring of running water that forever quenches their thirst for life.

That is the paradigm shift that must happen inside you right now if you intend to survive the times that are upon us.

Here is an example of a paradigm shift: To believe that if God could be weak or foolish, which He can’t, then His foolishness would still be wiser than the world’s wisest wisdom and His weakness stronger than the world’s biggest strength.

If you truly believe the statement in point 15, then you can’t say of sin that it, for example, can be classified as people’s personal choices or preferences that you shouldn’t judge. Rather, you will readily see sin for what it is: wickedness and a travesty to the truth which is the word of God.

Then, complacency to the world’s culture, fear of missing out, seduction by peer pressure, and such spiritual plagues could be promptly whipped out of the Body of Christ.

True Israel and the Church’s problem is that the blind is leading the blind. When the blind [false teachers and prophets] lead the blind [sinful selfish Christians], they will both inevitably fall into the ditch and today, into that deep dark ditch have they both fallen indeed.

A paradigm shift through the rewriting of your personal precepts to be perfectly aligned with Yah’s must happen now.

The necessary paradigm shift.

The basic precepts without which there is neither life nor fruitfulness are:

(a) We serve a sovereign God in Christ Jesus.

(b) Who hates idolatry and despises all kinds of sin.

(c) Who has divine standards that are truth, wisdom and light.

(d) Who is holy, pure, cannot lie, cannot make a mistake, cannot mislead by His word.

(e) And who demands complete surrender to Him through humility of heart, faith without sight, and obedience to His word – the Bible.

These precepts will enable you to rightfully receive the mind of Christ and gaze into His heart, which is the only way to function correctly at the most basic level of your relationship with Him. Anything or anyone who does not comprehend and believe these basic precepts is bound to be consumed by darkness at one point or another.

We have just entered times that no one alive in this generation has ever seen, failure to adapt quickly and make the shift could be likened to purchasing a one-way ticket to hell—not that Providence has made way for returns tickets to that wretched place.

The way you do this effectively is by balancing the scales and coming back into the right standing with Yah that puts Him as a priority in your life, and His word as the only authority that governs your thoughts, will, emotions and decisions, your soul.

This could be summarised in 3 words: submit to God.

Here is a simple exercise to enforce submission to God in your spirit.

(a) Take a 3-day fast with this single topic: ‘Father, I bend myself before you and place you as the priority on the pedestal of my life.’

(b) During the fast, pray 3 times a day [including once between midnight and 5 am] and read the gospel of John from beginning to end. If you can, read it twice over.

(c) Do not tell Him about your needs, wants, or desires. For once, do not treat Him as a miracle-working genie you summon with prayer and fasting when you need something and want to make a wish come true. Focus on submission.

The cost of the shift.

Bearing fruit has nothing to do with feeling good about ourselves or indulging in the cravings of our flesh disguised as ‘God’s blessings’. Quite the opposite, bearing fruit costs a lot. It costs being pruned, and pruning calls for cutting, shedding, and loss.

Bearing fruit for the Lord means to make the conscious decision to forfeit your desires to pursue and accomplish His mandate for your life, which He predestined before you were sent to earth, in the completeness of  His exclusive standards of holiness and righteousness.

Bearing fruit will cost you friends, family, your life’s expectations and dreams and one of the hardest of all is that it will cost you letting go of lies, being exposed to the truth and realising that the life you thought you were living and the relationship you thought you had with God was not real. I am not saying this lightly.

If one is not willing to walk and live in this truth, then one will never bear any fruit for the Lord, and failure to bear fruit is setting one’s self up for a rude awakening on the last day when one will have to answer for what they did with the mandate that was upon their lives.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.’ – 2 Corinthians 4: 7-11.

Simply put, being fruitful is painful and that is the very essence of true Christianity: to be crucified with Christ, to suffer as He suffered, for His glory. True Christianity is radically sacrificial in nature and only those who are willing to bear the cost of pruning shall bear good fruit.

In Yah’s words, I am going to ask you this closing question: ‘Where is your fruit?‘.

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