“This is what is awaiting you Israel, if you don’t repent and rid yourselves of those demons in your midst,” says the Lord.
By Elvira.
Proclamation Record
Type: Prophecy.
Received: August 03, 2024.
Published: October 26, 2024.
By Elvira.
I saw a young black boy in a living room. He is about 6 years old. Then he began to grow in height and size exponentially. Within a few seconds, he was a very tall and imposing man.
Lebron James’s physical attributes of height and size are what I would liken this man to. He was tall, dark-skinned, muscular, handsome and with an imposing presence. He is also wealthy.
Then I saw this man standing at the reception of a restaurant and women were lusting after him, especially black women. All over the room, the lust on their faces could not be contained. Except that my view was lifted up to the top of his body and on this man’s forehead was written “NOT HUMAN”, followed by “DEMON”, and lastly “HYBRID”.
He picked up all of these women and had sex with them. He chose black women exclusively for that was his target. These women were all insanely infatuated with him as if under a spell, under his grip and with no restraint, and they would do anything to please him.
Then I saw these women lying in bed and I watched him get out of bed and abandon them after intercourse, one after the other, sometimes several at the same time.
Out of these women, my view was narrowed down to one of them and zoomed into her belly. Inside her belly, I saw her womb illuminate with a round shape inside it. Then I saw this happen to 3 other women consecutively. I understood that the Lord was showing that out of those women, three of them were now pregnant with his children.
Then it cut to a vision of the children in their newborn phase in their mother’s arms. It appeared as if a screen was split into three and each woman was carrying her child in that way, so they all gave birth around the same time. Then my view zoomed in on one of the three children’s faces and on their foreheads was written: “NOT HUMAN”, then “DEMON”, then “HYBRID”.
Here I heard the Lord say, “I will strike both the child and the mother with the judgement of death”.
Then I saw a scene of this man in a home where he lived with one of his other baby’s mothers. The visions began with the woman leaving the kitchen and walking towards her child’s bedroom. She suddenly fell down and died. The Lord had struck her then and there. Then the child died in his crib just a few seconds later.
The man had been in the living room and he started wondering why he had not heard from the woman or the child in a while. He called out to her and heard nothing back. He got up and went to check what was happening and arrived to see both the mother’s and the child’s corpse in the bedroom.
Then the vision cut to this man in the midst of boiling water on the fire in the kitchen. As it boiled that way, he got ready to cut up his girlfriend and child into pieces but he bent forward to suck their blood first. Yes, like a vampire.
Then the vision cut to him feasting on their flesh. In this vision, he was using his beast-like teeth, not the ones that he wears to look human. He was basically looking half human and half beast. I saw him eat the different body parts that he had cooked and served on the table in large recipients. I saw their heads cut off with dead eyes looking in the emptiness, placed on the side as he intended to take extra care for their degustation.
The next scene was of him cleaning the house like nothing had happened. Then he packed up a few things and left, simply.
Then I heard the Lord say, “This is how black women and children have been disappearing. Only partly, though the majority are just eaten without me having to apply any judgement of death beforehand.” He adds, “They are eaten alive and drained of their blood.”.
Then I saw a black woman, another one, living with this same guy. It was a different time, different place. He had changed his life completely and also had a baby with this one.
I suddenly saw the word “REPENT!” appear, cutting the scene off.
Then I heard the Lord say, “Repent today! Repent” You, who has been sleeping with the devil and bore him a child, repent now!
If you repent then I will kill that abomination and devil of a child and I will forgive you. If you hold onto Me I will cleanse and heal you. It is not too late. The hour of judgement is approaching here on earth, not the after life.
Repent now and save yourself from My wrath and judgement. It is free!”
Then I saw the woman in her prayer closet pouring her heart out to the Lord on her knees. She was confused as to what to pray.
The Lord said, “Just pray and ask Me if your boyfriend, husband or child is human. Ask Me to reveal to you who you share your bed with. Ask Me to show you the truth.”
After this, I saw the same woman having a dream and as her dream began it was as if I was now having that dream too, so the Lord showed me what she was seeing as if I was the one experiencing it first-hand.
She dreamt that after she fell asleep at night, this man would walk into the child’s crib, stand next to it and transform into a fish. As soon as he did, his child also transformed as he saw his father do. They both made their way to the bathroom and jumped inside the toilet water as a door into the marine spiritual kingdom.
She woke up from that dream shocked and petrified. She prayed in distress to ask the Lord what to do. He told her that she must now pray against them, especially the man who has initiated her into witchcraft and with whom she is in all sorts of deadly spiritual covenants because of the multifold sexually immoral acts and other acts she has committed with him to the point of carrying a demonic creature for 9 months and birthing it. He told her that it was a matter of life and death. That she will either die if she loses the battle or live if she wins in which case both the man and child will die.
By the time the Lord had finished speaking, she was crying uncontrollably. He answered, “Stop crying! Instead, start plotting how you will leave this place undetected as soon as possible.”.
The vision cut to her packing her most essential things with no clothes or whatever else and leaving her home at a time when neither the man nor the child were there. She stopped at a gas station and went in to buy a burner phone. She had the number of a deliverance pastor whom she had spoken to and was waiting for her to arrive.
She was going to leave on foot and just get an alternative transport means, but remembered she had a phone with her that could be easily tracked. She went back to her car and sat to copy important phone numbers from her phone. She called the pastor on the burner to tell him what time she would be arriving and where she was at the moment. Then she left the phone in the car at the station.
Then a scene of the woman arriving at the church began. She was welcomed by the pastor and brought to his office. After she sat down, she began to tell the story of what had happened. 2 more pastors joined them and were listening. Her story seemed to be so unreal that the 2 pastors who joined later began laughing in disbelief.
Thank the Lord that the main pastor was not an unbelieving or ignorant minister, he was patiently listening and paying attention to every single word. He believed her. He told her that she couldn’t go to work or any place she usually frequents until she was delivered completely because that was the first place they would be looking for her.
Then I saw her set up in a tiny room in the church’s basement where she spent her entire delivery time, for weeks. Other ministers and intercessors were there and would pray with her and for her every single day. Sometimes 24 hours straight. The spiritual warfare was extremely violent.
Then the Lord said, “Your window to be rescued and saved is closing. Repent now. Come to Me in repentance and turn away from your evil and wickedness, Israel. If you repent and do the work, I will surely rescue you and deliver you, but if you don’t, then judgement will meet you.”.
Later, the Lord added, “This is what is awaiting you, Israel, if you don’t repent and rid yourselves of those demons in your midst”.
After the Lord said this, I saw a news channel with a breaking news headline. The news reporter was saying, “Today we have received the reports of over 70,000 black women and their children who have gone missing in the last 3 months only in the United States. Women and their children both vanishing without notice is something we have never experienced at this scale.”
This is where the visions ended.
(I) Matthew 24:37
“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”
(II) Genesis 6: 1-8
“Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them,
2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
3 And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
5 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
7 So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.”
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.“
You have heard the world of the Lord.
These hybrid men and their children already exist and they are about to boldly come out of hiding in large amounts. Actually, the Lord revealed that Umar Johnson [the African-American man who talks a lot about returning to Africa and has a gazillion wives] is one of them. He is amongst those ones who perfectly pass for human, just like the one in this vision.
They are all over the Bible, like the giant Goliath and all the giant tribes that Israel had to defeat to conquer the promised land.
This woman in the vision could be you, your cousin, your aunt or your daughter. Would it be better for you to hear about them being lost from one day to the other like those in the statistics we will hear on our TVs?
Whether you believe this is true or not is irrelevant. It will come to pass. Whether you “think so” right now or not is also irrelevant. It will come to pass. Whether you are spiritually, mentally and emotionally prepared for this or not is irrelevant. It will come to pass.
Do as the woman did, go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him if there are Nephilim around you.
If out of everyone around on this earth, one person was to be found worthy to be saved like Noah did out of the whole earth in his time, would it be you?
Are you ready for this reality? Are you living a repentant life? If your answers to these questions are not YES and YES, then you are in trouble. Run to the Lord in repentance now and use the resources the Lord made me publish on the prayer manual [free and accessible here online] to Divorce Darkness today.
About The Author
Elvira is a born-again believer in Jesus Christ who received her call from Yah to do this work in 2021. She is a German author with interests in law, media, and business.
Elvira does not use social media.
Insight Into The Fruit Factory