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By Elvira.

After the lions retreated, the Beast and the French animal remained in the ring as they had been in the beginning, only that this time, the Beast had grown to four times its original size. In this state, the Beast easily overpowered the French animal, who had to submit.

I then saw the Beast walk around the ring as a conqueror. Proudly shouting victory and dominion over the fight. The greatly wounded French animal laid down in a corner and watched the Beast boast and revel in its victory.

In part 3 of this chronicle, YHWH explained the context of France’s defeat in great detail, with Scripture. The reader is advised to familiarise themselves with its content.

This image of the Beast’s victory went on for some time, and then suddenly, the whole setting where the fight had been going on changed.

Until now, all the events of this vision had been happening in a broad empty space without limits or borders. The place was dark and only had a spotlight lit in the middle, which is what I have been calling ‘the ring’. It is in this lit spot that everything had been happening, whilst everything else remained dark around it.

I saw the light in the middle expand and increasingly cover more ground, gradually revealing an ancient Roman-style colosseum.

As I am transcribing this prophecy, YHWH is vividly bringing the vision back to me but with a lot more details. Therefore, I am going to narrate it here real-time, as I watch it.

I see a large colosseum and the camera is rotating around it, showing its giant size, round shape, and the details of people’s faces in the crowd.

There are hundreds of thousands of them.

They all look half-drunk and are having the time of their lives.

I hear medieval music, and a man speaking in the background—as if a sports commentator—in a voice-over [V.O].

V.O: ‘Here comes Babylon the Great. The Mother of all harlots!’

Crowd: ROARS! [loud cheers and shouts of praise].

The Beast struts around the Colosseum, almost like a horse doing a beauty pageant, head high, chest proud, and feeling itself like it’s nobody’s business.

On top of it sits a woman, Mystery Babylon, with a crown on her head.

She is looking around, basking in the crowd’s praise.

V.O: ‘There she is! Riding the great Beast. Long live the queen!’

Mystery Babylon waves at the crowd, smiling from ear to ear.

V.O: ‘The queen of all the earth!’

She bends her head in a bow, then continues to wave and smile, like a bona fide queen.

She is enjoying the crowd’s praise so much that she gets excited—this is where the regal facade is thrown out of the window.

She stands up on her feet, still on the Beast’s back, and starts dancing. She is sensually winding her waist, biting her lips, and putting on a show.

The crowd: ROARS LOUDER!

People are throwing their drinks away in excitement and some men are going as far as putting their hands in their pants to stroke their intimate parts—yes, right there in public.

V.O: ‘Mamamiaaaa! Do it for the gram Mama. Do it for the crowd Mama!’

The crowd and the voice-over commentator are trying to outdo each other with excessive adoration and Mystery Babylon is loving every moment of it.

She starts enticing them with more moves, seductive looks and mannerisms to get even louder shouts out of them—and it works.

Then my view cuts away to a corner of the Colosseum.

I see a tall iron door, something is standing behind it, about to be unleashed into the large ring.

The iron bars are rolled up and a giant Bear emerges from behind them.

The Bear is stoic.
No smile.
No showmanship.

No care in the world for the crowd and whatever the Beast and Mystery Babylon have going on. In fact, they are so busy with being entertainers that they do not notice that a Bear has just been released onto the ring, same with the crowd.

The Bear starts walking towards the Beast, gradually increasing its speed.

It is now jogging.
Now running.
Now sprinting!

It approaches the Beast at high speed and launches a full-collision attack on the Beast’s left side—BAM!

The hit blasts the Beast away and sends Mystery Babylon flying off its back to crash into the wall.

The crowd goes silent, everything comes to a pause.

The Beast is disconcerted, trying to get its senses back, must be seeing stars after that abrasive attack.

Mystery Babylon is struggling to get back on her feet.

My view cuts away, again, this time to the sky.

I see something flying in the Colosseum’s direction.

It is red, but I can’t distinguish what bird it is—yet.

As it approaches, its shape becomes clearer and clearer.

It is a red Dragon.

My view cuts back to the Colosseum.

The fight is hot!

Whilst I was watching the creature in the sky, Mystery Babylon managed to climb back on the Beast’s back and the pair is violently fighting the Bear. Although, it is not much of a fight, for the Bear is easily overpowering them.

Here comes the Dragon with its throat filled up, prepared to ravage all on its way and that’s exactly what it does—


Hot fire is poured out onto the Beast and Mystery Babylon, leaving them immobile and as dark as burned coal.

Then the Bear comes and crushes them with a double-fisted blow—SMASH!

The Beast painful CRIES OUT! Ouch, this has definitely broken a few bones.

And so begins a fast succession of attacks upon the Beast and Mystery Babylon…


Until the Beast and Babylon are left inanimate and charred on the ground.

Revelation 18:2

‘And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!”.’

At this point, the male commentator has stopped talking a while ago and the crowd has gone from being silent to protesting, then to bitterly weeping. The roaring praise from just a few moments ago is a distant memory.

Revelation 18: 4-10

‘And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, “I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.”

Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is YHWH Elohim who judges her. The kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her, when they see the smoke of her burning, standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, “Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come.”.’

Thus says YHWH:

‘The Bear is Russia and the Dragon is China.

I will send both of them and their allies to devour Mystery Babylon, which is where the seat of the beast kingdom shall be.

Barack Obama is the Beast, the anti-Christ. He will rule over the entire earth from the seat of the beast kingdom, the United States of America.

I am preparing the devourers, Russia and China, right now to destroy Mystery Babylon. She will be destroyed for the cup of her idolatries and atrocities that have surpassed the heavens.

They will defeat her in war, enslave her, and plunder her. I, YHWH Elohim, will surely do this.

I will also avenge My people, Israel, for what America put them through and never once repented of, despite having had abundant time to do so and the soundness of the Gospel preached all around her nation. But because of her outrageous arrogance, she was never able to humiliate herself in repentance for her sins, to this day.

I will avenge Israel as I did in the days of old during her first exodus, for the suffering they underwent at the hands of Pharoah. But unlike in ancient Egypt, in this Egypt—which is America—there shall be nothing left of Babylon!

I will not only crush her [America] in war by the hands of the Bear and the Dragon, but I will rain down fire, brimstones and sulphur from the heavens to burn her to ashes.

America will burn to the ground, then she will sink to the bottom of the sea.

When I spoke it and showed it to John 2000 years ago I meant it, and I am repeating it now: Mystery Babylon will be removed from the surface of the earth, completely wiped out. You will see what none in your generation nor your historians can anticipate.

America is a nuisance to humanity, she is a filthy repugnant smell in My nostrils. I will relieve Myself and the earth of her and purge the world of her egregious fornications.

Her abominations are worse than what any civilisation or nation has ever done in the history of mankind, and what you are seeing her do this day, December 26, 2024, is not even half of what she will be doing during the time of the Beast, she has not even gotten started yet.

She will burn to the ground. She will be barred, desiccated and removed from the world map.

Where you see America on the world map right now will become a little dot, showing nothing there, when I am done with her.’

Thus says YHWH, the Holy One of Israel:

‘The Beast’s story will last a bit longer than Babylon’s. There is still a second Beast that will rise and until he rises, deceives and forces the whole world to take the mark of the Beast or the number of his name, My people will not be free to come out of hiding.

The blood of the Martyrs and the prophets will flow heavily in America under Barack Obama. Then the blood of My people Israel will flow even more, for those who will choose the Beast because, unlike the rest of the world, he has been in conflict with Israel since the beginning, for they are My chosen.

Whilst those who choose the Beast thrive under the beast kingdom, Israel will be led into deep suffering in his hands, even after they renounce Me. They will not be afforded the fleeting luxuries of the Beast in the end because he has a more acute hatred for them than for anyone else.

The second Beast will arise and defeat them some more.

He will cause a second hoax of a “regathering”, this time it will not be with the fake Jews but with the true bloodline of Jacob. Those who chose him will be deceived and into their death shall they be led, they will sprint into their own demise with both feet.

Israel and the church must be extremely cautious. I repeat: be extremely cautious.

There will be a false end times regathering under the second Beast of Revelation 13 before the true regathering happens. This will happen during the time that those who truly know and have chosen Me will have to live in hiding and ostracised from society because of their denial to follow the Beast and take his mark.

If you do not prepare for that time now, making sure you spend time in My word to learn how to hear My voice; spend time in prayer to learn how to contend for your life and that of your community; learn spiritual warfare and rid yourselves of sin and demonic influences, manipulations and possession; you WILL end up in the false regathering.

You do not understand just how much deception will overtake the earth. You must prepare before that time comes or else you will bitterly regret it and the wages of your choices shall be death, eternal damnation. This is a choice each soul will have to make for themselves.

It does not matter how much love I pour out on you, Israel, these choices are each individual’s to make and the works I explained above are each person’s responsibility to apply in preparation for the time, so that they might endure till the end and be saved.

Come out from among the wicked, My people! Come out of Babylon so that you will not be ensnared by the filthy cup of her abominations and trapped into eternal damnation.

Come out of darkness and into My light! In My word, in My servants whom I have been telling you to listen to for sound teaching, your elders, and My true prophets that I have called out from your midst to give you the knowledge of what is to come, you have more than enough resources for your preparation, something no one can do for you.

Each man will reap what he sowed.

You have been warned.

I, YHWH Elohim, have spoken. My word shall not return to me void.’

Revelation 18:21-24

‘Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore. The sound of harpists, musicians, flutists, and trumpeters shall not be heard in you anymore. No craftsman of any craft shall be found in you anymore, and the sound of a millstone shall not be heard in you anymore. The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth.”.’

You have heard the word of YHWH.

The resources mentioned by Yah at the end of His statement are as follows:

Barack Obama: The Beast Of Revelation 13.

Pastor Omar Thibeaux, A Lion In Judah.

‘Roar!’ A Prophecy To Philip Anthony Mitchell.

The reader is advised to take the time to read them so as to receive the full understanding of what YHWH is talking about.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Not So Fast….

This proclamation is part of a prophecy series. In order to understand the fullness of what Yah is telling us, please make sure you read the full message.

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