‘This is My gift to you for 2025, My children. Read this teaching over and over again,’ says YHWH.
Proclamation Record
Type: Prophecy. Teaching.
Received: Oct. 30, 2024.
Published: Dec. 29, 2024.
By Elvira.
This is part two of the ‘Not Without A Fight’ chronicle.
On October 30, 2024, I was in my habitual Bible study time when I heard Yah ask me to turn to Luke 14, which I did. As I was reading through the whole chapter, I came to verse 26, where He drew my attention to the text. As I continued to read, He stopped me after I finished verse 33 and said, ‘This is what we will study today.’
That day we only went through verses 26 and 27, and what followed was a two-month period of teachings on these specific eight verses, both in theory and practice throughout various life experiences.
Luke 14: 26:33
‘If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, “This man began to build and was not able to finish”? Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.’
Today, December 29, 2024, I received the last piece of the teaching dictated to me by the Holy Spirit. After I had finished meditating on it, He asked me to compile all He has given me as written teachings about this group of verses, transcribe them into a cohesive text and publish it as part of the ‘Not Without A Fight’ chronicle.
It was quite an interesting journey, to say the least. I am elated to share this with you, Israel. It is a mix of teaching and prophecy, and includes expository insight into Scripture.
I have removed parts of the teaching that included references to private information about my life; overall, I generalised the terms to make them applicable to every reader and to keep the text focused on the word of YHWH.
I have also added and expanded upon some parts of the original text as I felt prompted by Yah to during the transcription process [from my notebook to the digital text editor], adding more details and examples where applicable, as led by the Holy Spirit.
Section 1: Received on October 30, 2024.
Thus says YHWH:
‘The essence of this parable and teaching has been lost but I need you to understand this clearly because it is the only way you will be able to withstand this path that I have set you upon.
“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”
To all My disciples around the world, says YHWH, in order to make it, to run this race till the end, you must be able and willing to separate from everything and every one based on nothing more than the utterances out of My mouth, in a heartbeat. It is what My word calls “faith”, read the story of Abraham for more insight into that.
This includes family, friends, job, and business; it includes your own mind, will, desires, expectations and aspirations in life.
You must be radical in your devotion to Me, your Elohim. You must shed away everything that is still pleasing to your eyes and flattering to your heart. If you do not have this stance, you will not be able to run this race until the end. It will simply not happen.
At this stage, My children, the stakes are higher than what you can imagine. I have been telling you how dangerous the situation, world and times you are living in are but you cannot perceive it clearly because you are under My protection. You must take into account the reality that surrounds you, both physically and spiritually.
In this season, you must shed away all expectations of what you want or what you thought your life would be like and take up the following mindset:
(i) Independence from your own understanding and/or reasoning.
This does not mean not using your brain or being foolish, no. This means not relying on your brain, active mind and five senses exclusively for anything. When I say anything, I mean ANYTHING!
There is always more to what meets the eye, ALWAYS. This is how you must live and take everything in. In this posture, you will be constantly seeking and tapping into the mind and heart of Christ, which I have given you.
It is by doing this that you will make use of that priceless gift appropriately. It also includes the sight of Christ, which you possess.
Everything is spiritual, nothing just “happens”. You must live by tools and weapons that are spiritual and not carnal.
When you abide in Me and I in you, you possess Me inside of you, and you must make use of your full inheritance as co-heirs with the Messiah in every way possible.
(ii) Leaning into divine wisdom and living by it.
With the lions, wolves, bears and sharks that will surround you in this season, you cannot slack in wisdom.
These are people who have mastered the wisdom of the world and tap into occult and arcane knowledge for everything they do, all the time.
You, My children, have access to a higher—MUCH HIGHER— and much more powerful wisdom than they: wisdom from above, from Me, YHWH who created all things and without whom nothing was made that was made.
Through My Spirit alive inside you, you can walk in the priceless gift of clear spiritual sight and divine knowledge and understanding.
You have the ability to know what goes on in people’s hearts by My Spirit revealing it to you. This is something you must put to use in everything and every moment of your life.
You must overcome the childishness and naiveté that is often prevalent in organised Christian religion—complete ignorance of what the real world is like, and what truly happens around you. The times that are right now do not allow for such oblivion. If you live in ignorance of people’s ways, hearts and true motives, you will inevitably fall victim to Satan because he is a cunning serpent.
You must stop needing to see or hear something from Me two or three times to get it. You must be alert and agile, and build absolute confidence in My voice.
The minute I am showing you something in a dream, or vision, putting information in your heart or speaking something to you out loud, it should be sufficient for you to take action. Soon, a time is coming when failure to act upon My voice instantly can cost you your life.
Do not downplay My prompts, insight, and spiritual communication. Do not neglect your dreams or think that because you do not understand them, they do not matter. Nothing I show you or tell you is irrelevant. Every word, every scene, every image counts and has meaning. I do not waste My time and resources in communicating with you.
Do not try to tame the spiritual things I tell and show you into a softer and more carnal version that you think you will be able to digest better. Do not downplay what I say, do not put an emotional filter over it either.
The things I speak of are spiritual in nature, not emotional. The carnality of emotionality and the false humanistic ‘compassion’ that is normalised and spread in your societies and upbringings is making you miss the weight of the words that I, YHWH, speak.
Take what I am saying for what it is and pray for expanded understanding so as to truly allow what I am saying to sink to the bottom of your heart.
This is even more important when it comes to studying your Bibles! Don’t just read the letter, don’t read it like ‘Bible stories’, hyperboles, or figures of speech but tap into the substance, the truth, of what you are reading.
For example, I am going to kill T.D. Jakes for his egregious sins of homosexuality, murder, cruelty, and devil worship. How does emotional carnality react to such a judgment? Let me tell you how: ‘Oh, this is a man of God, let’s pray for him.’
Those saying this think they are being good compassionate Christians. They downplay the crimes I am citing and the extent of offence that this man is doing to Me, YHWH, and the wickedness he continually shows to his victims.
But how does a mature spiritually minded respond to this? He or she says, ‘May justice be done, YHWH! No enemy of Yah can get away with destroying people’s lives no matter what position they have in the church. He shall repay the wicked for their wickedness, says His word.’
In this example, says YHWH, the spiritually compassionate thing to do is to pray for that judgment to come swiftly so that the earth will be delivered of Jakes’ lawlessness and his victims will receive the justice they deserve, and get relief from a top-tier evil oppressor.
Human beings have extremely wicked hearts, and you must update your minds with this truth because it will worsen every day as we move closer and closer to My return. This is life! It is the world you live in.
Didn’t I say, “The love of many will grow cold?” Why then are Christians still walking in foolishness and childishness? I asked you to be childlike, NOT childish—there is a big difference.
My statement “You shall be as sheep amongst wolves, therefore, be as innocent as doves, but as wise as serpents”, summarises it. I asked you to beware of men! Have you not read it? [Matt 10:16-17].
At this point, failure to do something I am showing you and just “get it” without Me needing to show it to you insistently three or four different ways, could make everything in your life crumble and fall—unto death. Yes, death.
‘does not sit down first and count the cost’
As this Scripture says, what I am asking you to learn and apply, these instructions are what it will cost. In this moment, you are counting the cost, so make sure you are taking it all in with a full understanding of what the cost truly is, of living a life surrendered to Me.
The term “hate” here does not mean living with hate, resentment, and bitterness in your heart, no. It means being able to easily pick apart the good from the evil and instantly reject and rebuke the evil, even if it costs you everything that is mentioned: “father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also.”.
You must not only feel bad about evil or merely dislike it, no. You must hate it, as I, YHWH, hates it. What I am describing here is the practical process of walking on the path of righteousness and living by it.
Any act of cuddling evil will expose you to Satan’s devices and afflictions and greatly slow you down on your journey. Do not waste any time, says YHWH.
It goes back to what I was talking about earlier: letting go of your own reasoning and always walking in divine wisdom, which you have accessible to you in My word and your daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
‘And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple’.
Your daily exercise, every minute of the day, must be walking in that righteousness, always cracking every situation you experience open and digging into it with the mind of Christ to gauge if it is evil or good, and then apply to it what divine wisdom says about it and how it should be handled.
When you begin to do this intentionally, it will seem to be a lot to manage and a daunting task at first, and it will be. This is one of the things that is a “cross” to carry.
Less than 2% of all of humanity lives this way, actively every day and in that 2%, most are high-level sorcerers who know the importance of living in a permanent state of awareness. In Christianity, a ridiculously low amount knows this and an even smaller amount practise it, says YHWH.
One thing you will notice, however, is that it works like a muscle. The more you train it, the easier it gets to lift the cross. The more you get accustomed to the cross’ weight, the lighter it feels and the longer and more steadily you can carry it. Eventually, you reach a point where the cross that you once could barely lift for two steps before needing to take a break, feels like a feather.
You are a spiritual athlete. That is how you must approach this. The more an athlete trains, the better they get. It is in the gym that the athlete wins his medals, not on competition day.
The heavier the weights a weight-lifter trains with, the heavier the loads he or she can carry over time. That is why I, YHWH, am constantly bringing new challenges into your lives, adding those weights so that you can grow stronger and stronger over time.
Therefore, you will come to a point where living in this permanent spiritually and mentally aware state will become your natural, “I woke up like this”, programming. That’s where you all, My children, must get—fast!
The tribulation is beginning sooner than you think. It is anytime now.
The bullet train is slowing down for nobody. If you are slow, you will get left behind. If you are slow, you will get disqualified from the race, says YHWH, your Elohim.’
Section 2: Received on October 31, 2024.
The next day, YHWH continued the teaching where we had left off.
Thus says YHWH:
‘Do you see the part where it says “sit down and calculate the costs”?
[For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it. – Luke14:28].
The “sit down” part takes years and if there is no sitting down, then the cost, the true cost, cannot be calculated.
What people do not understand is that watch towers last several centuries after they are built. They are extremely sturdy and usually, in times of war, all houses and buildings would be destroyed—except the watch towers. That’s because the incoming king who was invading a town or city would continue using those towers for his own reign in case he was successful in his conquest.
Watch towers were extremely worthy war commodities. The more towers a city had, the better guarded it was and the higher the chances it had to survive an attack.
Watch towers were made of a particularly durable stone that was about seven to nine times heavier than other stones used even for the most sturdy buildings. All kings knew not to destroy watch towers but to build more on top of what already existed, to accumulate them. The right position and build of a kingdom’s watch tower could be the defining element of the kingdom’s survival, says YHWH.
Take Jericho for example. They had great walls but neglected the crucial element called watching. They had a poor watching system, poorly positioned watch towers and poorly trained watchmen, or else Israel would not have prevailed in taking as long as they did to walk around the town for days on end without being interrupted. Or else, the early spies would have been easily detected upon approaching the town from afar.
Jericho had raised around herself strong walls that she deemed impenetrable, failing to walk and operate according to the wisdom that says not to put one’s hope in strongholds and towers of money, influence or worldly might—but to first and foremost make YHWH of hosts your fortress, make Me, YHWH, your watch tower and stronghold, for I am the only One who does not fail.
Now when you read the Psalms of David where he is constantly referring to Me, YHWH, as a stronghold, a refuge, a fortress, or a strong tower, now you understand what it means. A watch tower is not just any lay building.
When I asked you, My disciples, to “keep watch” for My return, what did it mean? For someone to be a watchman, they must have a watch tower. If I am not your tower then how will keep watch?
That is why the church is asleep and mostly useless and children of Satan in these end times. They have built their own man-made towers based on their false doctrines and defiled by all the atrocities of the world.
The church today is mostly built on sand. Only a very very few have truly made Me, YHWH Elohim, their watch tower. So they are mostly foolish virgins with no oil stored up.
The hour of persecution is coming, what will they do? Where will they go? Their worldly strongholds will all fail them and they will perish.
Tell them Elvira, says YHWH, that I, El-Shaddai, am the only fortress that stays standing no matter the circumstance.
That is the part of “costs” that people do not understand. The costs you pay in building your watch tower have very little to do with you and everything to do with Me, says YHWH. I set the price, I determine the costs, and I control the process. Only so will your tower be built to last.
Is it not written, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain”? [Ps 127:1]. Christians have Bibles that they do not read. It is a tragedy.
People do not understand this because they think the tower is theirs when it is not. It is mine. It is My kingdom, My field, you are only a citizen of it and a worker in it.
It is not about you. It never was and never will be. The Bible begins with My creation and ends with My return to reign over all the works of My hands.
If you understand this basic fact, if you truly understand it deep down in your heart, then your process will accelerate because I will know with certainty that you won’t become a transgressor on My land.
Repeat to yourselves: “This is not about me, it is about YHWH. This is not about me, it is about YHWH.”
If you truly understand this, truly integrate it, then your lives as My disciples will become 98% easier. People struggle because they make it about themselves. They are wrong. It never was and never will be, I am no man’s employee.
The faster you completely submit to Me, the more enjoyable and peaceful your lives will be, even if you end up locked up in prison for My sake—which will happen to many in these times.
Look at how the Apostles and disciples of the first church were, zealous and peaceful in the midst of aggressive persecution and martyrdom, and that’s because they knew this and this is how the Gospel was preached back then, but not today anymore.
I set the parameters for how your lives should go, what you will have to sacrifice, how you will have to behave, what price you will have to pay to follow Me, and the Scripture clearly states what the price is: “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”
People read this and think it is some joke or a figure of speech. Wait until they see what happens in just a few years during the tribulation. Those of them who will remember that they used to read this in their Bibles but never put in the effort to understand and prepare for the potential devastation of having to lose their families for My sake, will perish and bow to the beast.
It is just the truth of what will happen, beloved. Listen to Me when I speak. It will happen!
All of these people you see filling up churches will abandon Me because their Christianity was never about Me, but about them. They never once in their lives sat down to calculate the cost of following Me.
This is also not something you can calculate in theory. To understand what you have gotten yourselves into, you need to go through a few things for My name’s sake and still stick with Me.
After one has gone through some harsh storms and lost some very important things and relationships because of Me, then when they read “whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple”, they are then able to understand what is meant. If you read it without having experienced it, you cannot understand it properly. It takes some time to measure the costs.
Persecution will always follow genuine conversion into My Kingdom. When you are with Me, you become a stranger to the world and they will hate you for it. It never stops no matter how long you have been a Christian. On the contrary, the persecution of the world should get worse as you continually workout your salvation with fear and trembling.
Every time you draw closer to Me there will be new level of persecution upon you because there is more you will be giving up for My sake. Holiness is costly when you live in a fallen world—make sure you are aware of this.
Most people get into this Kingdom, then when they start going through some things, they realise they don’t like what they have gotten themselves into. So they start building “watch towers” of their own and disguise themselves as believers.
They fill up church buildings, pretend to know Scripture by quoting it all the time and even start ministries, but never once truly chose Me, YHWH, as their fortress nor picked up their crosses to follow Me.
Elvira, wait when you get in the wilderness with Israel. How many of them do you think will walk by faith in that wilderness, truly trusting in Me?
It is in that wilderness that people’s true nature will be exposed. They will claim how much they love Me and how glad they are that they are the true ‘people of the Book’ until we get into that wilderness. You will see for yourself! I am telling you this now and when it happens you will remember that I told you this.
Meditate on what we have discussed so far. We shall continue later, says YHWH.’
Section 3: Received on December 29, 2024.
This morning, many weeks after the last teaching, Yah gave me the following teaching on the remaining verses of the group of Scriptures Luke 14:25-33. It was during my Bible study, after spending an extensive amount of time reading the book of Maccabees.
Thus says YHWH:
‘lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, “This man began to build and was not able to finish”? [Luke 14:29]
The way that you “finish” is by comprehending that you are in a war zone, therefore, you do not walk about in a war zone not being prepared for, and anticipating, war.
It is like the next verse says: ‘Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace.’
It is the same concept, you are at war and must already determine the different habits and measures you will implement in your daily lives to avoid being defeated.
Your victory at the end of the day will always come from Me, Me fighting for you, but there are measures you must take.
(i) Daily Bible Study, daily at least morning and evening.
This is one of the strongest measures you must implement and live by daily to keep yourselves safe. You are not doing it for My sake, or to get something from Me, no.
You are doing it to keep yourselves safe first and foremost. If you can do more, which there are some days that you will be able to, you must make the most of it. My word is your foundation, says YHWH.
(ii) Memorising Scripture.
This is another measure of the uttermost importance. You must set aside some time every day to memorise a specific set of scriptures you select beforehand.
You can choose a set each week and commit to it. If you choose one scripture a week and stick to it, that is 52 scriptures memorised in a year, think about it!
Having scripture deep inside your heart helps you stay sane and keep your spiritual oil tank full. My people’s bad mindsets and defeated morale always stem from not having enough of My word in them and wanting to have it their way.
When you want to have it your way, it is inevitable to feel frustrated. The cost of the Kingdom life, true salvation, is giving it all up and choosing My way over every thing.
Therefore, each time you start feeling frustrated, always remember: ‘I am frustrated right now because I want to have it my way and I cannot have it my way because I am surrendered to Yah, now I must return to wanting Yah’s way over mine.’
Once you capture this, your level of frustration in your walk with Me will drastically reduce and your faith greatly increase.
This is also the meaning of the last part of the text: ‘So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple’.
This is what living “Spirit-led lives”, as Paul wrote, is essentially about at the end of the day: letting go of what you want and trusting that I am in charge, know what is happening, know what I am doing and no matter whatever it is or however it looks, you shall never be forsaken when you put your trust in Me.
Burying My word in your heart—not only the letter on the page but the substance inside the letter, the Spirit behind it—will also keep you in a constantly submitted heart posture because My word is a hammer and a fire. You can’t grow arrogant and haughty when you genuinely spend enough time with Me through it.
(iii) Taking nothing at face value.
Nothing you see is just what you see, and nothing that raises your eyebrow or draws your attention should be ignored. Satan is cunning and you must keep your eyes open all the time. Do not do what the foolish do, they call this being ‘paranoid’. It is they who are completely blind and deaf, don’t make those mistakes.
Moreover, I will constantly be giving you signs here and there, do not allow your ‘rational’ mind to discard spiritual signs and signals meant to edify and warn you.
Nothing—absolutely nothing—is as it looks. Nothing is a coincidence. Everything has meaning beneath what you are looking at. This is how you must live and it is like this that you will be able to live a life of truth, away from the deception and illusions of the enemy, which he is an expert at.
Do not be like the foolish believers who live as if the world revolves around them and their faith. It is a lie.
The world you live in revolves around Satan, primarily, whilst the Kingdom you must depend on in order to endure till the end and make it out of that world alive revolves around Me, YHWH, your Elohim.
You must be cautious.
(iv) Daily worship and prayer.
As you have read in Maccabees, the way that Judas ‘went out to negotiate with the king’ whose armies were always greater than his was through singing, sounding trumpets and praying to Me. In fact, he never chose peaceful negotiation.
Each time he tried to strike a peace treaty with the evil kings and princes, it failed, and those are the times you are in right now, and the place where you are going in the future.
Not that peaceful negotiation is bad, but in the world of the great tribulation, the coming worldwide martyrdom, and the beast who will rule over all nations and people and force you to take his mark, it is not effective. Satan will deceive you every. time.
David spoke about it throughout all the Psalms, always saying, ‘Deliver me out of the deceitful lips.’. Why do you think it was so for David? It is because David was lucid. Unlike today’s sleepy Christians, he knew the people who surrounded him and walked by divine wisdom, so he knew the prayers to pray and walked with both his eyes open.
You cannot rely on some hope of peace. Times of peace are over. Until My return, it will be a perpetual war for My people, both Hebrew and Gentile, against the world. That is what you must fixate in your mind.
The only people with whom you will be in peace are those who are My true disciples around the world. Apart from them, no one else will give you peace and there are no ‘neutral’ parties either.
Worship and prayer are your weapons of battle. Prayer should be kept to these two kinds primarily: praying My word back to Me, and praying in tongues. These are the strongest kinds of prayer that there is.
You can engage in conversation with Me, bringing your concerns, and seeking understanding, that is fine, but that is conversation and relationship building not truly prayer and petitioning. These are 2 different things.
Effective prayer also happens when you maintain calmness in your inner man and your mind. Do not senselessly saturate your mind with information, do not overwhelm your thoughts with overthinking.
Allow Me, the Holy Spirit, to plant seeds in your heart and pour out understanding in your mind. I can only do so if you are readily awaiting it, and keep a clean and calm atmosphere in your soul for our fellowship to happen seamlessly.
Being angry, sad, in tears, always emotional, in panic and overthinking drastically shrinks My ability to communicate with you clearly, both audibly and non-audibly.
Think of your mind as the garden of Eden. Let it remain clean, pure, uncluttered and well trimmed and taken care of, so that I can freely come in and go out, walking and talking with you in various ways.’
Thus says YHWH, He who weighs the mountains in a balance, the Holy One of Israel:
‘This is My gift to you for 2025, My children. Read this teaching over and over again.
Take out your Bibles out and do Bible study with the text it. Pray that I should give you an expanded understanding of what you are reading, and I, your Elohim, will surely do this.
Those who diligently do this exercise will live different 2025s than those who do not, they will greatly benefit from it.
I, YHWH have spoken, take heed of My words and develop ears that hear and eyes that see.
Awake O Sleeper! Arise from the pit of darkness, Israel, and let My light shine on you!
Shalom and amen.’
You have heard the word of YHWH.
There is still one dream that I must transcribe and proclaim in this series of ‘Not Without A Fight’. It shall be part 3 of the chronicle.
Make sure you are subscribed to be notified via email of all new publications.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Not So Fast….
This proclamation is part of a prophecy series. In order to understand the fullness of what Yah is telling us, please make sure you read the full message.
Part 1: Warfare For Your Destiny
Part 2: Have You Weighed The Cost?
Part 3: From 2025 Moving Forward
About The Author
Elvira is a born-again believer in Jesus Christ who received her call from Yah to do this work in 2021. She is a German author from the tribe of Judah with interests in law, media, and business.
Insight Into The Fruit Factory