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Thus says the Lord:

I am coming for a fruitful Church! Any fruitless branch will be cut off.

The Church of these end-times must be like the first church of the bible.

My people must go to their bibles and read what the first church was like in the Acts of the Apostles: This is how the end times church must be to survive.

Anything and anyone who falls below this standard will be swept away swiftly! The best system will eat you up. That and only that is the standard.

Thus says the Lord: You have been warned.

Anyone who is still living for themselves, their desires, their little world that revolves around them and NOT ME will be SWEPT OFF SWIFTLY! Anyone who desires to keep and preserve their own lives and earthly preoccupations will lose them all.

This generation will see the Anti-Christ.

Not in some 50, 80, or 200 years, no… This generation will see the beast.

If you are not grounded in Me, My word, if you are not bearing fruit for Me, if you are not willing to live the way the first church lived and endure what they endured, you will be cut off, swept away and the beast and his system will eat you up.

Thus says the Lord: you have been warned.

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