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I, Elvira received a series of dreams about the destruction of Hollywood and the elite from the Lord Jesus Christ on the afternoon of July 24th, 2024.

I had a series of dreams the night before but when I woke up I could only remember about 10% of them, so I prayed to the Lord asking Him to please bring them back to my memory or give me another chance to view them so I can document them because I knew that it was about Hollywood and touched on important topics that will also affect people outside these elites.

I decided to take a short nap in the afternoon and as soon as my back laid flat on the couch, an avalanche of dreams started pouring out. I was not asleep. I had full control of my mental capacities but I was in a state where one is not sleeping, but one is not also completely awake. This is a common state in which the Lord puts me to give me visions, dreams, or outspoken revelations, I call it the spiritual state.

As soon as the dreams began, I realised that the Lord was bringing back everything I had seen the night before but forgotten, so I watched very closely and wrote everything down as soon as I woke up. It is very long and has different interconnected pieces, so it is best to divide it into 2 parts, this will be the first part.

I have been transparent about my history with Hollywood, which you can read here. This may provide you with some context about the matter.

The prophecy is titled “The Breaking News Of Iniquity”, given to me by the Lord on July 24th 2024.

Disclaimer: The revelation in this prophecy is deeply disturbing and VERY graphic. Parents must make sure they are the ones to reveal these things to their children in a manner that is appropriate for their age and level of comprehension. But your mid to late teens and young adults MUST know this because it is to them that these things are being done.


I saw Beyonce Knowles-Carter dressed in sexy dominatrix-style lingerie standing in a dark-lit room.

Before I go into this dream, it is important to mention that I have seen both Beyonce and her husband Shawn Carter (also known as Jay Z) in my dreams before and have had quite intense spiritual battles with them.

The Lord Jesus Christ commissioned me to prophesy, pray for and evangelise to the people in Hollywood first, and the US political and business elite second, in early 2022. When I began that work, after the Hollywood Satanic Yahudum – fake Jews – saw that they could not buy me, Beyonce and Jay Z were commissioned by their master, Satan, to persecute and kill me. There were other people in these battles too, hundreds, but these two were the two main ones.

They tried to harm and kill me in spiritual wars, to no avail. They tried intimidation tactics in the public forum using those closest to me, to no avail. They hired at least two people – two men, one of Nigerian descent and one of German descent – to try and befriend me, asking me out, so that they could infiltrate my life and bewitch me with madness and kill me, to no avail. They planted surveillance cars in front of my apartment to spy on me until it suddenly stopped – I guess either the Lord rained hellfire on them to get them to stop, or they could not find anything in my lifestyle that they could use against me – that’s what happens when you live and walk the narrow path, Satan has no ammunition to hurt you. Beyonce herself came to my town for a short amount of time so that she could be on the necessary spiritual territory to unleash highly intense and lethal spiritual attacks at me, also to no avail. They have tried to rob me spiritually of blessings, relationships, gifts, talents, business, and money, also to no avail. They went to great lengths to stop the launch of the ministry, again – to no avail.

When they ran out of options after realising that they could not harm me, they turned to my family. My sister has had attacks from them too. She had a dream where both of them came at her and ganged up on her in a 2-against-1 scenario, but they ended up both getting copiously beat with her bare hands. Beyonce attacked first and was beaten up and thrown down the building they were at. As she went down, the earth opened up and a giant fish rose to the top and swallowed her before the earth closed back up like nothing happened. Her husband was so shocked at the sight of this that he thought he was not seeing clearly, he became furious and went after my sister but also got his behind handed to him.

The reason why I am boldly saying all of this is because the Word of God instructs us to, as it is written:

Matthew 10:26-31
‘Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. “Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.’

So I do not fear them. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour, He is my Shield and my Strength and I belong to Him. He is the one who has been fighting these battles for me. It is thanks to Him that an entire town of the highest-level Satanists has not been able to bother my sleep, let alone harm me. I am still here, living in peace and serenity under the divine protection and covering of Jesus Christ who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and at the mention of His name, every knee bows and every tongue confesses that He is Lord – including those Satanists. How they still do not grasp that they are wasting away is beyond me!

If you do not believe what I am saying here, I do not care. If you think I am just jealous of Beyonce or her husband then I pity you. This woman has been exposed as a witch by many people now, yet you continue to defend her as you suffocate under the weight of her satanic spells. If you do not repent of your idolatry of this couple then be rest assured that you will be burning in hot coals and drinking lava right next to her in the fiery furnace and the lake of fire at the end of this age, whilst I will be dwelling in the house of my Lord forever and enjoying my eternal reward for choosing Him above anything or anyone else in my life.

Do you know what I was doing throughout everything that I just told you they were doing to me? I was praying for them. During all this time, the Lord had me on a tight prayer program for Beyonce. I began praying for them in 2023, though I was praying and interceding for other celebrities earlier than that already. It is then that I understood the spiritual significance of the following statement the Lord once made to His disciples at an entirely different level:

Matthew 5:43-48

‘“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.’

Now, let’s continue the first part of this prophecy.

I saw Beyonce Knowles-Carter dressed in sexy dominatrix-style lingerie standing in a dark-lit room. Then a young woman – early 20s – was brought into the room by two guards. She was protesting it, screaming, kicking her legs and shouting, but it did not help. Her clothes were torn and she was forced into a bent-forward position so that her behind was sticking out and easily accessible for sodomy. For clarity, sodomy is a sexual act whereby the “receiver” is being penetrated from the rectum instead of the natural way that God had intended. This is a practice that God considers an abomination.

Then the scene was cut so that I could only see the woman’s face and upper body, and whatever was happening at the back was out of the frame. I noticed there were more people in the room than Beyonce at this point, both men and women. I did not see their faces but I knew they were other celebrities and studio executives. I could also hear their voices, they were thrilled about what was about to happen.

When they began sodomising the woman I saw her go through all kinds of emotions. Her face was distorted with screaming, crying, and begging for mercy. She was agitated but was restrained by the many guards holding her until she was eventually tied up in a certain position in which she could not move any longer so that the guards could take their turn too. I gradually watched her face lose signs of life as she was repeatedly violently violated. I would occasionally have a wide view of the entire room of these men and women violating her, with some close-ups of her blood spilling on the floor and splashing on their sexual organs as they rejoiced. Yes, the Lord did not spare me, because He wants YOU, His people, to know hat goes on behind closed doors.

At some point this woman became numb and her legs failed her. At which point they made her lay on the floor like a bag of meat and came and had their way with her again and again and she didn’t even react to it anymore.

Then I saw Beyonce start an electric saw and walk towards the woman. The sound of the saw shocked this woman out of her numb state and she began crawling away, begging for mercy. She stood on her feet and tried to run but she was so weak that she didn’t go far. Beyonce and those around her were laughing at her despair. They found it fun.

The Lord said:

They find pleasure in it and will pay for it, I WILL MAKE THEM PAY. This is what they do, My daughter, and you are not even seeing the worst of it. These are the people human beings worship and exalt above Me, their Creator.

As the woman turned to try and exit the room, she was blocked by guards and they held her up by the shoulders. Beyonce approached with the saw and placed it between the woman’s legs. The woman at this point was SCREAMING with everything in her body. She was BEGGING for mercy. Beyonce clenched her lips and moved with the saw up the woman’s inner thighs, releasing a devilish, evil, psychopathic laugh. I cannot explain this laugh and the expression she had on her face… it can only be equated to PURE EVIL, SADISTIC EVIL, SATANIC PSYCHOPATHY!

Beyonce went ahead and drew the saw through the woman’s vagina up to her head, slicing her in two parts with her blood scattering all over the room and all. Her divided body fell to the ground and the entire room erupted in a loud roar of excitement and boisterous laughs.


The Lord said:

Beyonce drinks from the cup of iniquity directly. Her nature cannot be reversed. She is evil beyond redemption and this was her choice. There are many like her in Hollywood and they will all feel My wrath – and their fans right along with them.

As the Lord said this, I saw Beyonce sitting on a throne with a cup in her hand. In that cup was a black liquid with a thick mercury-like consistency, but may be slightly more watery. She brought the cup to her lips and drank from it, gazing straight ahead with empty eyes, devoid of life, but at the same time she was making a facial expression that said “The world will be mine”.

Friends, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ then you MUST come to terms with these atrocious realities. Under the Lord’s instruction, I am reporting here what He showed and revealed to me that goes on in these people’s closets. These are people the world worships not knowing the kinds of things they do. You are hearing the revelations from Jesus Christ. These are the things that God has to watch human beings do to other human beings on this earth every day, and it is time that we, His church and people, realise these truths.

This morning the Lord told me “The failure to know the truth brings death”, which is the title of a prophecy I will be posting here in the next few days. No matter how harsh the truth may be, if you want to be the light of the world as Jesus Christ tells us, if you want to walk in His light, then you must abide in Him, and He IS Truth.

The Lord says He is the way, the Truth, and the Life. Without Truth, there is no life. Without following His ways, there is no life. If you want to stay alive until the end, you must be able to hear the truth and accept it! As the Lord said, if you cannot stomach and believe the truth, then you are bringing death upon yourself because Satan is the father of all lies, he rules by lies, that is why such things are hard to accept and hear because they are hidden and these people lie to us, and we know what Satan’s job is: to steal, kill and destroy. Reject the lies of the devil and embrace the truth.

The dream continued with another short scene of Beyonce, yet again, sitting at a round table with her husband and other elites eating human flesh – that woman’s flesh.

Then I saw a young black girl, about 13 or 14 years old. She was so excited because she had gotten VIP backstage tickets to meet Beyonce at the end of the concert. Then I saw Beyonce on stage finishing her show, It was as if I was watching from behind the stage where there were electric and camera technicians. She bid the crowd farewell and walked off-stage when the lights turned off. She walked towards my point of view, then past it, and it was as if the camera (my point of view) now began to follow her from behind. She entered the backstage area and there were a lot of people around, clothes and shoes on the floor, etc.

She was told that the VIP people were waiting in the room next door and after she wiped her sweat off and refreshed herself a little bit, she went in that room to greet them. They were mostly black women, young black women in their teens and twenties. They began crying and were completely star-struck. They spoke, took pictures, and such things and she left. When she left she whispered something in one of her team member’s ears, at which point my focus changed to this person. I saw them go back into the room and take the contact number of one of those young girls, the one I had seen at the beginning of the dream.

Then I saw this young girl in a car with Beyonce. It was another day in broad daylight. Beyonce was inviting her to her house, as a special fan favour and this young girl was ecstatic. I think ecstatic is too soft a word to describe this girl’s excitement. The girl was alone with Beyonce and some of Beyonce’s people in the car. As I write this, I am asking myself where her parents were. How can parents be so negligent and foolish? I digress… let me return to the dream.

When they arrived at Beyonce’s house, she wowed this young girl and invited her into a private part of her home as if it were an even greater special treat and insight into her life. Then the girl was flattered into getting comfortable and taking off her shoes, then her clothes and before I knew it, Beyonce was sexually abusing this child.

The Lord said:

She seduces her minions, then takes them into her house, vacations, or private parties, to abuse them. She has done this to MANY young girls and I will expose her. These children will come out to speak up, and their families will testify to the police. Beyonce is finished.

Then I saw Beyonce and a group of other celebrities running to throw up in buckets, sinks and toilets. Then I saw horrible diseases of various kinds appearing on their skin like boils, rashes, certain kinds of eczema, and all three combined. I saw them hurry to doctor’s offices with disguises on so the public would not recognise them. I saw that for some of them those diseases had overcome them completely so much that they could not get out of their houses, nor could they live normal lives any longer.

The Lord said:

I will judge them. I will unleash my wrath upon them. I will send the pestilence on all of them. They will be overcome by deadly calamity and it will also spread to their fandoms. Their worshippers will be sanctioned for their idolatry, for having exalted mere humans above Me who made them and died for them. The wise among them will repent so that they will not be dragged into their idol’s punishment, but failure to do so will lead to judgment until death.

Then I saw the following words written in BOLD letters:


I saw the logos of different Hollywood studios and networks. Some of the names I can distinctly remember are:

– Warner Brothers
– Disney
– Netflix
– Universal
– MGM Studios
– Lionsgate

I then saw the finger of the Lord draw HUGE red cancel crosses on them, one after the other.

After that, I saw a TV screen with a big red “Breaking news” banner at the top and bottom of it. The word “breaking news” was scrolling horizontally across the bar. Then I saw that the day went by until night came, and the bar had not disappeared. The news reporter had not stood up, there had not been a pause. Until the night went by and the morning came, and still, news continued to break every day 24/7 with no end in sight.

The Lord said:

The breaking news banner will never come down until they are completely destroyed. They will all be exposed. They who do such wicked things will all die – there are only a few that I will spare for My own reasons, but they will wish they had died instead. Repent now before it is your face on the perpetual breaking news banner that I will set up on the world’s TV screens.

This is where the dreams for this prophecy end.

The first scripture the Lord has given for this prophecy is Psalm 34. The Lord is telling you who are still thinking that you will get away with murder that you will not, and He is adressing Psalm 34 to those who, as He said, “will be lucky to escape the lake of fire at the very last minute, just like the thief who turned to Christ at the very last minute when he was about to die”

Psalms 34:1-10

I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make its boast in the Lord;
The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.

I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
And delivered me from all my fears.
They looked to Him and were radiant,
And their faces were not ashamed.
This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him,
And saved him out of all his troubles.
The [a]angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him,
And delivers them.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints!
There is no [b]want to those who fear Him.
10 The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.

Cry out to the Lord, humble yourself before Him, and He will save you from your troubles and will shield you from His wrath. His angel will encamp around you if your fear Him. You will taste the goodness of God and know the greatness of the Almighty. Tremble before Him, fear Him and bow at His feet, that you may not lack any good thing.

To you who are in these circles and consider yourselves Christians but live sinful lives, support evil, and fuel other people’s oppression with your silence, repent and sanctify yourselves so that you will be spared! The Lord will not overlook the crimes of the guilty, and only true repentance vindicates you in His sight, through the blood of Jesus. Kill the idols and turn to the Almighty, that you may be spared from His wrath and be reconciled to Him.

Psalms 34:11-16

11 Come, you children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
12 Who is the man who desires life,
And loves many days, that he may see good?
13 Keep your tongue from evil,
And your lips from speaking deceit.
14 Depart from evil and do good;
Seek peace and pursue it.

15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry.
16 The face of the Lord is against those who do evil,
To [c]cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

Flee evil and divorce darkness. Pursue good and learn the ways of the Almighty so that you may walk in right standing with Him. That is your only way out of the coming devastating suffering that He will unleash upon your entire town and people. You have read here the crimes that they do (Eddy Murphy received his judgment for it), that YOU do, and you shall be punished to the same measure of your sin. He will cut you all off. You will DIE. The Lord has wiped out entire nations and the whole world before, and with Hollywood and these elites, He will do it again.

Psalms 34:17-22

17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
And delivers them out of all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
And saves such as [d]have a contrite spirit.

19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
20 He guards all his bones;
Not one of them is broken.
21 Evil shall slay the wicked,
And those who hate the righteous shall be [e]condemned.
22 The Lord redeems the soul of His servants,
And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.

Break and bend yourselves before the Lord. Wail and humble yourselves before Him in cries of sincere repentance and He will draw near to you and rescue you. He will guard your bones whilst He slays the wicked. Do not despise the Lord’s call to repentance, if you reject Him then you would have surely validated your life sentence.

I always tell people that if there is one Person you do not want as your enemy, it is God. Read this sentence again and meditate on it: “If there is one Person you do not want as your enemy, it is God”.

If you are listening to this and you still look up to celebrities, want to sing like them, dress like them, and act like them, the Lord has said that you will be sanctioned with the same judgment they received. So if you are Beehive for example, you will end up losing your life because you would not sober up and give God His place as God, and dethrone an evil and wicked witch from the pedestal that nothing and no one should have in your heart but God. The penalty for your idolatry will be pestilence, calamity and eventually, death.

He who has ears, let him hear.

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