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I woke up on August 13th 2024 and just before I opened my eyes, I heard the Lord speak the statement below. He asked me to publish it exactly as He spoke.

Drawing the line

Thus says the Lord:

“It is when the fake Israel came asking and demanding money and sacrifices from My people, My church, that I drew the line.

They will all die. I have declared it.”


The scripture for this prophecy is Revelation 2:9.

Revelation 2:9

“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”.

For context, the Lord is speaking here about the heavy propaganda campaigns the Church has received to financially support Israel in their current war against Palestine, especially in developed nations and the west.

Yah has revealed to me that over 100 million US dollars have been sent to fake Israel throughout the world from the Christian Church.

The Lord has spoken about them extensively in several prophecies on The Fruit factory. In this one, He is stating clearly that the judgment their evil will be death.

Recommended: Read the full “Israel’s Regathering” prophecy series for more information on the fake jews and the current land of Israel.

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