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This is Part 3 of the visions Yah gave me about Israel’s second exodus on August 03rd 2024. The prophecy titled “The Potter’s Workshop” preceded this one. 

The beginning of this vision has been redacted for confidentiality reasons, the Lord does not desire for this to be out in the public for now, so I will continue from the point where the Lord has allowed.

“Can You Take The Heat?”

I saw the entire world map in its full scope spread out before me. Unique chess pieces began to appear all over the map in different countries. Some countries had more than one chess piece placed on their map, whilst others only had one piece, and still others had no chess piece at all. Then I saw the Lord’s hand move into the frame and extract these chess pieces individually from the map of their countries and place them on a flat surface outside the frame of the world map. These individual pieces were taken out of the world this way from all continents, individually, one by one, and placed on the flat surface on the side. As this was happening, I heard the Lord speak.

The Lord said: 

I am setting apart for Myself a group of people both from true Israel and out of it that I will infiltrate into the beast system. They will be the Daniels of the end times. It is they who will execute My plans and My will at a governmental and corporate level all around the four corners of the earth. They will enforce My mandates and through them, My Israel will return home.

[Read Revelation 13 and Daniel 12 for more on the beast of the end times] 

Then the map was taken away and a big headline that said “HAPPENING NOW” appeared, blinking with different colours. I saw the Lord place the tray full of the chess pieces that He had taken out of the world on a conveyor belt. It moved forward until it reached the door of a rectangular glass container that looked like an isolated chamber. This chamber’s front door had the signs “PRUNING” and “PREPARATION” written on it, and an entire temperature and pressure system built into it. It was like a big pressure cooker – not in form but in function, but with transparent glass walls. 

The front door opened and the Lord’s chess pieces were rolled in, then the door closed. Then I saw the heat and pressure indicators that were visible on the outside of the container go up incrementally until they reached their maximum capacity. There was hot steam boiling inside the chamber so that I could not see through the glass any longer. I heard sounds of high pressure being pumped into it and at some point, there was so much heat and pressure that the chamber began shaking and just when it felt like it was going to explode, the whole system was turned off. Then the back door of the chamber opened and the chess pieces were rolled out. I looked up and saw that there was a sign on the back door that said “READY” which turned green as the chess pieces were being moved out of the chamber.

Then I saw the Lord carry the finished chess pieces away from the preparation chamber and He began to put them back on the map one by one, in different continents and in a new order – so not necessarily in their countries of origin.

The Lord said:

I am preparing them right now already. You, My daughter, are one of them. Most people cannot take the heat so they are very very few. Some of them will operate in total secrecy also.

If you reading or listening to this prophecy are willing to take the heat and allow me to BREAK YOU TOO before rebuilding you as completely new beings that your family and friends WILL NOT RECOGNISE, whom you will likely have to separate from for MY SAKE, then come to Me in prayer and tell me, and ask Me. If you are serious and persistent about it, I will answer you.

I am looking for people who will operate at a completely different spiritual level on this earth. I am looking for the Daniels of this generation. The Elijah’s of this generation. The John the Baptists and the Pauls and Peters of this generation. Study how these men’s lives were, how they were set apart and trained for their assignments. How they operated in their gifts. What they endured for My sake. And also study the authority I gave them, My glory that they carried. If you are willing to operate at that level, come to me in prayer and fasting.

Ask and you shall receive. No matter your race, your age or your sex.

This is where the visions of this prophecy ended.

The banner scripture for this prophecy is found in 2 Corinthians 4.

2 Corinthians 4:5-12

For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 12 So then death is working in us, but life in you.

Satan is playing checkers whilst we, through Christ, must be playing chess. Being the Lord’s check pieces will take going through that pressure cooker of brokenness, testing and refining. Would you be able to voluntarily be led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to learn how to kill bears like David, eating only locusts and wild honey like John The Baptist? As an act of faith, would you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into seasons of desolation and barrenness so that you will learn how to trust in no one and nothing else but Yahweh? For example, if Jesus were to tell you, “Go empty your bank accounts, including your lifelong savings and everything, give it all away to the ministries and charities I will show you, then quit your job and do not enrol to receive welfare and trust in Me that I will provide for you”, would you do it?

Or would you be willing to live in hiding such that people will never know what you are really doing in your life and for the Lord? Can you live your life for an audience of One – Jesus Christ? Or is the sick compulsion that our world has developed to post pictures and videos of your latest dinner or friends’ gathering on WhatsApp or Instagram status too much to give up on? 

Is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life too much to give up on for God?

Could you make this statement from Apostle Paul your lifestyle? “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.” 

Do you even believe this statement to apply to your life as a believer in Christ? If it were to start being your daily reality would you have the faith necessary to live with the death of Jesus Christ always alive in you or have you gotten too high on the false doctrines of the fake Christian church like the one that says “Jesus loves you so much that He will not allow you to be tested for your faith but will instead rapture you so that you can continue to pretend that you love Him when you wouldn’t even give up something as obviously sinful as sexual immorality or the telling of lies for His sake”?

As the second exodus begins, the Lord is looking for His personal chess pieces who He will strategically position all over the earth to accomplish His perfect will. This ministry exists to not only be one of the chess pieces but also to work for the Lord in the production process of these chess pieces, which is why the ministry name has “factory” in it. 

In the end, as God’s word has announced already, this chess game will end with the entire world being brought to a final checkmate, so your victory is guaranteed but the question you should ask yourselves right now is: can you take the heat?

As ordained in Ezekiel 3, I have done my job as a watchman in publishing the Lord’s words, instructions and warnings in this prophecy. Whoever reads or listens to what has been proclaimed here by Jesus Christ Himself and decides not to accept it as the truth but rather continue in their error and perdition, their blood shall be on their own hands.

The Fruit Factory is a call to True Israel and the end times Church. It is time for harvest. The Lord Jesus Christ is sounding the trumpet! Only the fruitful will make it.


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