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Today’s publication is the word that Yahweh gave me on August 8th as a solemn public warning to the false prophet and false teacher LOVY ELIAS, previously LOGOMBA. 

I have been doing this for the Lord – writing down prophecies and operating as His prophet for many years but this is the FIRST prophecy He has made me publish publicly and He asked me to publish it URGENTLY.

The Lord has MANY charges against you and He has sent me to proclaim them to you after He has repeatedly warned you in private to no avail. 

This is also a warning to all those who follow and support LOVY ELIAS. Know that whatever condemnation is reserved for him because of his abominations and transgressions, if you fail to repent then you too will receive the penalty for your sins of supporting evil and unrighteousness, and for rejecting the Lord’s words and His truth. 

Thus Says The Lord:

The Church and true Israel, my people, how can you not see what is so blatantly false right in front of your eyes? Do you even know me, the LORD God Almighty? You fill up benches in big buildings every Sunday but do you know me? Do you hear MY voice?

So many of you are deceived. I will set aside the spiritual insight and sensitivity and will begin at ground level: USING YOUR BRAIN. Can you not use your brain? Can you not think, my people? You have been so ensnared by darkness that witches and sorcerers parade themselves in front of you every day and you sing their praises.

Lovy Elias. Do you know that I asked my daughter Elvira to pray and intercede for you so that you would not cross the line of ABUSING CHILDREN? How dare you do this to Me Lovy? I have been walking with you since before you could even speak. Have I ever forsaken you? Even when you deserted Me in the past and blatantly went against My instruction did I not maintain My favour upon you? Why would you choose to practice such wickedness when you KNOW the penalty for it? How many warnings did I give you? Even when you ignored My direct warnings did I not use the people around you to talk to you? Did you not know that the penalty for what you have begun doing is death? You did know but you had been choking and drowning in your own praise, had you not?

Lovy Elias this is My warning to you:

If you do not STOP THE WICHCRAFT AND SATANIC RITUALS you will be extinguished.

If you do not STOP THE SELF EXALTATION you will be extinguished.


If you do not divorce the JEZEBEL, the LEVIATHAN, and the BAPHOMET you will be extinguished. 

Lovy Elias, DO NOT exasperate My patience because you think you have some kind of immunity in My sight. The size of your own belly has outgrown the height of your head. The haughtiness of your eyes has risen to the heavens. Your heinous and despicable wicked acts have been recorded in heavenly books of condemnation. 

Lovy Elias, would I not have given you what you went looking for to the queen of the coast? Was anything too big for Me to achieve? How long did I warn you of your company? How long did I warn you of that serpent you call your PAPA? Is it he who created you? Is it he who gave you your assignment? Is it he who was keeping you alive in pits and feeding you food from the angels when no one in the world wanted you?



HOW DARE YOU, Lovy Elias?!

This is a stern warning to you Lovy. I will NOT be patient for long and once the cup of My wrath and the records of your wicked acts have come to their fullness I will not hesitate to strike you. Do not abuse My mercy and DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE me. I AM the one who turned the greatest king in the world into a wild animal so that he would know that I AM the ELOHIM, YAHWEH, and no one can exalt themselves above my name. 

Lovy Elias, throw yourself to the ground and wail for the forgiveness of your sins before Me. Break your spirit and confess and repent before me. NO ONE AROUND YOU WILL SAVE YOU. They will not even think about it because they are ALL CORRUPT. They either came corrupted or you corrupted them.

Who gave you that wife Lovy Elias, was it me? Did you even bother to ask Me? Yet you parade yourself around speaking things that I never told you, selling a fake image of a marriage that I never put together, walking and talking on MY PULPIT to MY PEOPLE and defiling them just like you have defiled yourself.

THIS IS MY WARNING TO YOU: HASTEN YOURSELF TO YOUR KNEES AND REPENT NOW. You think there is time to do what you want but there is not. I will NOT say it again. REPENT!

And to all of you who follow this man, and worship him, is it when he will tattoo the image of Baphomet on his forehead that you will open your eyes? Even that would not be enough for you. Is it when he takes you on a tour to hell that you will open your eyes? Even then you would call it heaven. Is it when he wears an inverted cross around his neck that you will open your eyes? Or will he need to open a branch of the Satanic Temple in California before you open your eyes? Even then you could call it “revelation” and shout “prophecy” You would still run to your PAPA and worship Satan with him and call it “the mysteries of God”. You are blind, deaf, and completely trapped. ENSARED BY EVIL.

How can a man transform into a woman before your eyes and you see no issues with it? What bible do you read? Asking you to be spiritually discerning would be too much, but can you not use your EYES? Are the long curly locks that touch the floor the hairstyles of the supposed Nazareen or that of women? Are the arms full of demonic tattoos holiness to you? Is wearing a dress and skirts by a MAN who is supposed to be a PROPHET just fashion to you? Is blaspheming the Lord’s Last Supper in a music video not enough for you? 



Lovy Elias, if you ever had an ounce of respect and love for Me, I warn you to divorce all of the darkness you have plunged into and turn back to Me. Your public exposure is just around the corner and it will not give you notice.


Failure to repent will send unstoppable floods and a persistent sword in your midst, and when it does, know that it would have been ME, THE LORD GOD who did it.

I the LORD GOD have spoken, and so it will be.

So this was the word of the Lord to LOVY ELIAS that I wrote down on August 8th 2024 and published the same day per the Lord’s instruction. 

I will not add too much further commentary to what the Lord has said because it was very detailed and clear. If He tasks me with it, then there will be a follow-up break down of the full prophecy. But if He doesn’t then this will be it.

What I will say is that we are in the end times and the Lord has been telling me that the cup of His wrath is almost full. He does not have time for the things the church has been doing for decades now. His longsuffering is coming to an end as He wraps up this age and prepares His people for His mighty return.

If you are still playing with your life and running after false prophets, jumping from false prophet to false prophet on YouTube, defending them and fighting online wars over them, running after them and treating them like celebrities, please listen to me: you cannot AFFORD this kind of behaviour in these last days. The level of deception in the world AND in the church is already unlike anything this generation and generations past have witnessed before and it is about to go through the roof.

There are things that people could do in 1876 as Christians and get away with it but not in 2024. We are in a time when the bowls of the wrath of the Lord Jesus Christ are about to be poured out onto the earth. 

He who is not glued to Jesus Christ, grounded in His word, and crucified in the flesh so that he can live FOR HIM will be swept away. All the branches that do not bear fruit will be cut off, thrown in the fire and burned to ashes. It is that simple. 

Yah’s instruction to you, His child, is to read Jeremiah 28 so you can hear what He has to say about false prophets and false teachers. Meditate on it and if possible memorise it because the surge of fake Christianity is here and both the deceivers and the deceived will be judged for it. 

Protect your souls brothers and sisters, guard them jealously under the Lord’s mighty hand, burry them ferociously in His holy word. No man is worthy of you forfeiting your soul and going to hell.

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