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By Elvira.

I had a vision in which I saw myself typing the name of a loved one online to look up their social media and different internet platforms. This is someone who normally has quite a large internet presence but to my surprise, a pop-up stating that the person’s accounts do not exist is what I saw instead.

I tried their social media accounts, professional pages and other websites referencing their work and they were all gone, showing me the same error message.

Then the Lord spoke to me and gave me a detailed explanation of what is coming to all our digital platforms as the Beast earnestly prepares the world for his imminent arrival. I have decided to call it an Exposé, for that is truly what it felt like when I was done interacting with Yah about this matter and listening to all He had to say.

Many more of such ‘Exposé’ proclamations will be coming. The Lord has a lot to say, we have a lot to learn so that we can be prepared for what is coming. Let he who has ears hear and take heed of what the Lord is telling His people.


1 Thessalonians 5: 2-4

‘2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.

But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.’

Thus says the Lord:

‘Very soon, you won’t see any of their [the person I was googling earlier] pages like you do now, and it will be the case for all those who do not comply with the new digital laws that will govern the world.

They are calling it The Digital Reset.’

‘What is it, Abba?’ I asked.

‘There will be a hard reset of the entire internet,’ says the Lord.

‘Despite all their efforts, the current state of social media and various internet platforms is not accommodating enough to the dominant system of the Beast Kingdom – Artificial Intelligence.

They have already prepared a version of your favourite websites and social media platforms that uses AI in all their functionalities, from the beginning to the end. You can see some of these changes being subtly incorporated here and there, but they are not happening and the people are not adjusting quickly enough to their taste.

They will take a radical stance and change everything at once.

Their primary aim is to make AI your friend and to get you used to interacting with it in every place you go to on the internet. Ultimately, AI will be your personal assistant, landlord, cleaning lady and gardener but for it to get to that stage it must first become your internet best friend, advisor and confidante.

What better place to begin that process than with the internet at large and social media in particular?

For example, the way you use Instagram to post pictures and videos will become an AI task primarily. The way you scroll through YouTube to watch the right videos you want will also become an AI task. The way you research on Google will be the work of AI.

You will stop using your own brain to enforce your choices and desires, but will have to tell AI so that AI does it for you,’ says the Lord.

‘For example, instead of going directly to “The Fruit Factory” YouTube channel and clicking on a video, you will have to tell AI that you want to go to the Fruit Factory, and then AI will decide how to get you there. AI will suggest to you which videos you should watch first, what the words spoken at The Fruit Factory mean, how you should look up more information about them, etc. You will have to click on many “Nos” and “Skips” to finally watch the video you want from The Fruit Factory.

Then, if you have not watched anything from The Fruit Factory in a few weeks AI will unsubscribe you from it and give you other suggestions of channels to watch. When you wonder why AI unsubscribed you, it will say that because you had not watched in a while, it deemed it appropriate to do so. This will particularly be the case with all resources that are Godly in nature, that contain the truth and that do not submit to their systems,’ says the Lord.

‘This is a priming device that they will use on you now so that when AI becomes the police officer that determines whether you live or die, you will easily voluntarily trust it to give you the right verdict for your life. This is where your world is going.

AI will be your master,’ says the Lord.

How will it work, my Lord?

‘They will create what is called a “Digital ID”,’ says the Lord.

‘With this digital ID, all your internet browsing and activity will be centralised under one unique profile. All your social media accounts, both for leisure and for work will be from that unique profile.

From one central place, anyone will be able to know where you are active on the internet and from that place will you be posting to all your accounts. So instead of needing to create separate Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other accounts, you will have one profile – your digital ID – that will connect you to all of those accounts.

Even WhatsApp will be included in that ID. WhatsApp will be nothing like what it is right now, they will shape it into its own little social media platform but with phone numbers.

From that ID, what you post on one platform will be able to be posted on all your separate accounts simultaneously. All the current tools that social media managers and other such professionals must use to synchronise their social media presence will become useless.

From that ID, if you change your profile picture, it will automatically change the profile picture on all your social media accounts simultaneously. So you will be recognisable everywhere in that way.

From that ID, your professional pages like LinkedIn will also be visible. So your private and professional lives will become one unique thing, there will be no separation between both.

From that ID, your different contributions, comments, likes and followings will be visible to everyone no matter the platform. It will all be centralised in one place.

You will not be able to have different IDs because all IDs will come with some form of identification that will require providing personal information with a government-recognised document that will be controlled and filed under your ID. Facial scans and other digital video ID checks will be required for every user.

You have seen these video ID checks be used in more governmental or bank services online, but this will come to the unique digital ID. If you do not provide one of the two or both, your digital ID will not work and you will be logged out of general internet activity, or at least severely restricted, unable to get much done at all.

You who have multiple social media accounts where you go unseen, that will not be allowed any longer.

If you use any of these platforms and you are reading this right now, you will notice that certain of these elements have already been sparingly introduced in small ways across different platforms, so you know that this big digital reset is very close.

What I am describing to you is already done, My child, they are merely waiting for the right moment to roll it out. The change in the worldwide political landscape that is coming with the American elections will be the right environment for such radical resets,’ says the Lord.

As the Lord was describing this, I saw myself go through the whole sign-up process in a vision.

They asked me to give my information, name, birth date, and email. They asked me for a verification document like an ID, a driver’s license or a passport. I had to take pictures of them with my phone and send them. Then they asked me to get on camera to do a video recording of my face, looking to the left and the right. Then they had to check all the information to make sure that it was accurate and manually validate my account.

After this, I saw that my digital ID had been established. It appeared as a form of website page or a wall. My name, age and location were at the top, then all my internet activity was logged on the rest of the page. I had the option to add a picture, but it was not a must [at least not then].

The next thing was that I had to create my different social media accounts, as many as I desired to create. All the platforms that you know people use on the internet were there and had to be created from that single profile and email.

I saw that even companies created their digital IDs and had similar profile pages.

How will they go about it, Father?

‘They will use the usual trick: peace and safety,’ says the Lord.

‘Expect the people of Facebook and others like them to tell you that they were hacked or their systems crashed or there was some lawsuit or new “privacy” protection law that was passed that is forcing them to take new security measures for the safety of online users.

They will tell you that their systems have detected that there are a lot of bots and non-human software creating hundreds of millions of accounts that are not legitimate and are used to spy on people online, or scam them, or collect their personal data and other such breaches of their “confidentiality and security protocols”.

They will say that you need more control over your digital identity and with the increase of the world’s connectivity, all people must be identifiable and the internet must become a safer space for all.

Expect the motto to be something along the lines of “A safer internet for all”.

They will tell you that they must take measures to promote cordial internet interactions and reduce cyberbullying for the peace and mental wellness of their users. That research has shown that anonymity online is one of the major drivers of cruelty and emotional assaults on the internet.

They will say that they have a duty to protect the peace of mind and mental health of their users and so this more streamlined digital ID that is verifiable and reliable will provide safe spaces for all on the internet.

They will say that they seek to reduce stalking and other criminal activity on the internet. They seek to reduce the extent to which the internet can be weaponised against minorities and other marginalised groups by reducing anonymity, fictitious internet accounts and social media profiles that hurt others and/or have the potential to become a danger to society.

They will do it. The people will comply because they are all addicted to and have grown dependent on their social media presence,’ says the Lord.

As the Lord spoke this, He showed me a video of the Instagram CEO on his Instagram page, explaining all the recent changes to his followers. He also showed me the founder of Facebook giving a press conference about Meta’s new functionalities, explaining the why and the hows of the changes.

Who will be affected by this, Lord?

‘Everyone who uses the internet,’ says the Lord.

‘They will cancel all accounts and ask everyone to restart their social media presence from scratch. Whether you had 200, 2000, or 200 million followers does not matter, everybody will start from scratch. That is why it is called a RESET.

They will also do a hard reset of knowledge-based platforms like Wikipedia, and known forums like Qora and even Reddit. There will be no place for people to hide online.

The way Wikipedia works today will go away and it will become a primarily AI-powered tool. The information there will be pulled by AI from different places according to what the Beast wants you to think and know. It is their AI system that will decide what is true or not.

Wikipedia will become one of the greatest tools of misinformation on the internet. They will use this reset to shut down millions of Wikipedia pages currently existing [which are already primarily full of fictional propaganda rather than facts] and replace them with their AI information.

Then they will officially enthrone Wikipedia as the online resource for all. It will be the most utilised by AI to inform people all around social media and Google. It will be the primary place to which AI will direct the masses as they begin to live in this new digital world.

AI will decide where the attention is given on the internet, it won’t be some hidden algorithms any longer. The layman will have to fight to get people to know about his social media pages, websites and various online resources if it is not part of their general AI-powered agendas and messaging,’ says the Lord.

Even for public figures, Father?

‘Especially for public figures,’ says the Lord.

‘They have already created segments of the celebrities they will keep “on top” and those that will be buried during the reset. If you are not an active part of their Babylonian system, you will be segregated.

Many will not even be given the chance to re-grow a following at all because the tools normally available for organic growth will disappear. The tools used by publicists to draw traffic to their client’s internet accounts will not work any more.

Everything will be AI-powered and so if AI has not chosen you, you will not be growing any following online the way that almost everyone can do today. With the system against you, you will never have enough of an audience to make it back to the spot you had before the reset.

They will use this to create a big gap in how “The Elite” is perceived right now. There will not be those who somehow make it into the public space without having to go through Babylon and Satan’s media machine.

They will make stardom into something that says, “If you do not bend the knee to the Beast, there will be no popularity for you. But if you do, you will brought up to Beyoncé status.”

There will be no democratisation of attention on the internet the way that it has been in the past 25 years. The talents that made it out of having YouTube channels and making their own way through the system will not be a possibility anymore. The centralisation of power for attention and media will return to what it was before the internet.

A lot of the artists whose careers are not in the top A-list category will fade away if they do not comply with the rituals and join other satanic brotherhoods, as I have exposed here at The Fruit Factory many times before.

Those men who live as women and vice versa will be pushed even more. The Margot Robbies, Ryan Goslings, Taylor Swifts and others will be maintained and promoted even more, whilst you average B-list actor who makes his living from decent – or even popular but not as popular – jobs here and there will be made almost invisible.

All of the people who have chosen to turn to Me recently, especially since you began ministering to them a few years ago, will be dethroned and set aside. Satan will not allow those whom he considers traitors to be boosted in his system.

The status the celebrity had before the reset does not matter, it is if they bent the knee and got in line to be counted amongst the prodigal public figures, AI’s darlings and Beast Kingdom agenda champions, that will determine how things will go for you later.

The same will go for businesses. Small businesses that could make a way for themselves with valuable content will go into insignificance if they do not secure their satanic contract with the marine kingdom to be kept on top. Those who will not support the Beast Kingdom’s causes will also be suppressed.

It will be an online world of the mega-popular [people, businesses, newspapers] at the top, and then the rest at the bottom. The “kings and queens” at the top and the commoners at the bottom. The information they want you to consume all the way at the top, then the rest at the bottom.

If you can use your brain, you will understand where the world is going and how the Beast will have no problem eventually getting the entire earth under his thumb. You will also be able to see how this has already begun to take shape in more subtle ways.

Well, it is about to go overboard in a hard digital reset,’ says the Lord.

What can the righteous do to overcome, my Lord?

‘The righteous must commit their plans to Me and I will guide their steps,’ says the Lord.

‘Aside from demanding maturity from Israel for this ministry, why do you think I have not made you bother to make elaborate YouTube videos? A time is coming when all of that will be removed for those of you who belong to Me and are doing My work. For some, I will uphold your position on those platforms regardless, whilst for others I will utilise different strategies that none of the coming changes will be able to touch.

Those who have businesses, ministries and other resources that heavily rely on the internet – which I know is a lot of you – will have to learn to walk in radical faith in Me and obedience to My instruction. They will have to learn to operate according to wisdom that is from above.

They must turn to Me in prayer and fasting now to obtain divine counsel and guidance and I will do that which My word promises. I will preserve them in all their ways and I will set them on high because they know My name. I will open doors for them that no one can shut.

As for those who merely want to be part of the current gossip and social media chatter, surely this will be a chance for them to use the time they used to waste online more wisely and put that into developing your relationship with Me,’ says the Lord.

You have heard the world of the Lord.

Please read this multiple times and ask the Holy Spirit to open your mind and earth for understanding. This exposé is packed with a lot of information. If you read it quickly then move on, you will most likely miss 90% of it.

For more context about the maturity for Israel that the Lord is peaking about, please read ‘Grow up, Israel’.

For more information about the Beast of the end times [Revelation 13, Daniel 7], please read ‘Barack Obama: The End Times Beast’

For more details on the destruction of Godly resources in the end times, please read ‘Where do you stand?’, ‘The Broken Mirror’, and ‘The Destruction Of The Truth’.

He who has an ear to hear, let him hear the words of the Lord.

About The Author


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