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This is a continuation of the visions that Yah gave me about the process of Israel’s second exodus to the promised land on August 03rd 2024. The prophecy titled “The First Census” preceded this one, and this is a direct continuation of the events the Lord showed me in that prophecy.

“The Potter’s Workshop”

I saw a desolate place, a wilderness. The people of Israel were in distress and were walking as the Lord commanded and directed them. They were walking on foot and there was much sorrow amongst the people. I saw a woman walking down a little hill followed by the others of the group. She lifted her hands to the sky as she cried out to the Lord for help. 

Then I got a vision of an entire Potter’s workshop. It was spacious and very well equipped – this was a professional. I saw that a vase made out of clay was to be moulded but the process had been interrupted so the vase was laying on the workshop table in an incomplete form. Then my view was zoomed into the vase itself, and I heard an engine starting in the background – as if power was turned on – and the workshop table on which the vase was standing began to slowly turn in a circle, and with it, the vase as well.

Then a pair of male hands came into the zoomed-in frame of the vase and began to work on it with meticulousness and expert craftsmanship. The vase was now slowly spinning around in the Potter’s hands and He was manufacturing His product with devotion and care, increasing the amount of clay on certain certain places, cutting off other places and throwing them away, and refining the edges with His fingers. This was an Artist at work, and the Lord allowed me to watch this process for some time, it was simply spectacular.

As this was happening in the Potter’s workshop, a vision of the woman who had been crying out to the Lord as she walked down the little hill returned and was superimposed on the vision of the Potter’s workshop. So as the Hebrews were walking in that wilderness, I could see the image of the Potter shaping and moulding this beautiful vase as the backdrop, as if the Lord was saying that the Potter was using the journey in the wilderness as His private workshop to mould His product and shape it into His desired final form.

Among the people who were walking in the wilderness was a young man who saw someone he knew. He got distracted and went off-course by stopping to speak to this acquaintance whilst the others continued to walk forward. He felt a sense of nostalgia as this friend told him stories about back home and they discussed how it used to be before to the point where he did not want to return with the rest of the group. After walking back and forth between his friend and the rest of the group in the wilderness, he decided to stay with this acquaintance and desert his people. 

Then I saw the entire group continue walking in the wilderness until they reached a flat surface where they threw themselves to the ground in surrender to the Lord. Complete and absolute surrender and brokenness. THEY WERE DONE.

After this, the Lord took me to a new scene where the people were talking among themselves in small groups and it did not seem to be in the wilderness itself any longer, but it was still not Israel. The Lord brought me closer to one particular group and placed me there as if I was sitting with them and was one of them, listening to them speak. A man in this group was speaking about the Potter. He was criticising the Potter’s techniques and was very bitter and profane in his speech. Then and there, he fell and died. The people in his group who were all listening (without contributing to the conversation) were caught off guard a little bit, but not really shocked.

The next scene was this man’s funeral. A pastor was speaking and did the usual burial ceremony practices, and then I saw the prophet of the Lord, the same black female prophet from “The First Census” prophecy, come forward to speak to the people as a group of men were throwing soil on the hole to cover the casquet. She spoke about the journey the people have been on and prophesied the final entrance into Jerusalem.

At this point, it is as if my point of view was zoomed out so that I could see that the man was getting buried next to other people, it was a cemetery filled with other coffins of those who had died in their midst. The causes of death varied between sin, acts of rebellion, disobedience to Yah’s instructions, … etc.

I had another vision that began with a close-up of a woman’s upper arm and the word “SANCTIFIED” was stamped on her (for reference, this would be where one would normally get a vaccine shot). My view then zoomed out and I saw that there was a long line of Israelites behind her who were queuing for their sanctified stamp. After quality testing, the Potter was now putting His official stamp of approval on His qualified products.

My point of view expanded even further so that it was as if I was watching a landscape, and I saw that there was a big hand stretching out from the sky onto the earth. As the giant hand was making its way to touch the floor, the people who had already gotten their stamps began to rush towards It because they recognised their Father’s mighty hand. Yah’s hand touched the floor in a way that the inside of His palm faced upwards and the rest of His arm acted like a ladder that connected to a certain corridor. The corridor was full of His glory and led to the inside of His being. The people were to literally abide INSIDE HIM, as the Lord presented it in this vision. After they had walked through the corridor and His inner being, they crossed a door and walked into Jerusalem.

As soon as His hand touched the floor, people began running to climb inside it and make their way up to the corridor, walking through Him, and into Jerusalem. Yes, it was very special.

As this was happening, I heard the Lord say: “Merely a fourth of those who had registered in the beginning will make it to Jerusalem.”

This is where this part of the prophecy ends. 

The first banner scripture the Lord gave me for this prophecy was Isaiah 45: 9-13.

Isaiah 45: 9-13.

9 “Woe to him who strives with his Maker!
Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth!
Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’
Or shall your handiwork say, ‘He has no hands’?
10 Woe to him who says to his father, ‘What are you begetting?’
Or to the woman, ‘What have you brought forth?’ ”

11 Thus says the Lord,
The Holy One of Israel, and his Maker:
“Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons;
And concerning the work of My hands, you command Me.
12 I have made the earth,
And created man on it.
I—My hands—stretched out the heavens,
And all their host I have commanded.
13 I have raised him up in righteousness,
And I will direct all his ways;
He shall build My city
And let My exiles go free,
Not for price nor reward,”
Says the Lord of hosts.

The second part of the scripture for this prophecy is John 15:4-7.

John 15:4-7

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My wordsabide in you, you[a] will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

The third banner scripture for this prophecy is found in Revelation 12.

Revelation 12: 1-6

 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.

And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne. Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

As ordained in Ezekiel 3, I have done my job as a watchman in publishing the Lord’s words, instructions and warnings in this prophecy. Whoever reads or listens to what has been proclaimed here by Jesus Christ Himself and decides not to accept it as the truth but rather continue in their error and perdition, their blood shall be on their own hands.

The Fruit Factory is a call to True Israel and the end times Church. It is time for harvest. The Lord Jesus Christ is sounding the trumpet! Only the fruitful will make it.


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