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I, Elvira, received this powerful statement from the Lord on August 26th 2027 addressed to His people – True Israel – who are still scattered around the 4 corners of the earth. Rejoice! For your Avenger has risen, Israel! The day of your vindication is at hand!

Thus says the Lord:

Behold, I, the Lord GOD, shall rise in the assembly. I shall mount the cherubim and descend upon the earth with My wrath raised against your enemies, Israel. The time for My vengeance is at hand. I shall avenge you and the entire earth shall be a witness of it.

I shall avenge the blood of your little ones. Those who they bound and hung on trees. I shall avenge the blood of your leaders. Those who they ridiculed and disgraced and ripped of their dignity. I, the Lord God shall avenge the blood of your daughters. Those whose bloom they destroyed and precipitated into womanhood with no hope for a future, nor any protection and covering. I shall avenge the blood of your young men, those whom they ravaged of their manhood before they got the chance to get a taste of it. They robbed them of their humanity before they could learn how to make fire and kill beasts.

I, the LORD God shall plunder them as they plundered you. I shall crush them as they crushed you. In My anger, I shall bring down hailstones and thunder upon their young men and women, and pour out My wrath upon them to avenge you, O My Israel, and vindicate you in the eyes of My enemies. The sound of joy shall depart their lands. The sight of children nursing on their mother’s breasts shall be no more. I shall repay them to the same measure that they angered Me. I shall close the heavens from above them and withhold the rain in the land. They shall wail in anguish and despair but My ears would have departed from their midst. I shall look away and remove the protective firmament of My word from their peoples.

The destroyer shall be sent to destroy their progeny. The mocker shall be sent to rip them of their dignity. The enslaver, O Judah, shall be enslaved. The robber shall be robbed. The lying tongues shall be cut off. Their blood shall be harvested by the evil one, and the fallen ones shall feast on their flesh.

I, the Lord God shall surely make the princes of the earth fall prostrate before you. The rulers of the nations shall journey to your gates to exalt the name of the Lord. The hands that oppressed you and the eyes that overlooked you shall all bow and lower themselves before you. I, your God and saviour shall surely do this. As I have spoken it, record it in your hearts and hold firmly onto the words that have come out from My lips on this day, for I, the LORD never change. I am the same yesterday, today and forever, and when I speak a thing, no rain nor wind, no war nor merry, no mountain nor sea, no destruction nor calamity can alter what My lips have uttered.

Let the young men rejoice! Let the old men rejoice! Let the young women sing for joy, and the old women rejoice! Let all Israel rejoice in the name of the LORD, for My goodness and love endures forever and My righteousness cannot be shaken. On this day, I have vindicated My people and as surely as the sun rises from the east, shall every letter of these words spoken to Israel and the nations on this day be fulfilled. Let the young children rejoice! For the Lord GOD has vindicated Israel on this day.

Prepare for the land of milk and honey. Turn your faces from the torrents of destruction of the enemy and run to Me, O Israel, as a child runs into his father’s arms, and raise up your tents on Mount Zion.

I shall make you the leader over the nations and no darkness shall be found among you. The first shall be last and the last shall be the first. I shall restore you and wipe away your tears, My Israel, I shall make you ride on the wings of the wind. All those who crushed you shall be crushed, those you killed you shall be killed. On this day I shall avenge the blood of your little ones who cry out to Me for justice from the ground. On this day, My wrath upon My enemies shall comfort the tears of mothers and their prayers shall be answered. I have heard your every cry, Israel, your wailing has entered My ears from on high.

Today you are vindicated and the entire world will watch your ascension to Mount Zion.

I, the LORD God, have spoken, and so it shall be.

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