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I, Elvira, was spending time worshipping the Lord when I received this vision from Jesus Christ on August 2nd 2024. It is one of the prophecies that the Lord has given me about life in the future regathered and reinstated Israel that He promised us and proclaimed through the mouth of many prophets in His word, the Bible.

“Godly marriages and the exiles of Israel”

The vision began with a group of young men – not older than 25 – talking to each other in a room that had screens with camera footage all around like a surveillance room. These men were grouped, leaning in to watch something, and discussing the footage with each other as they watched. One of them then stepped out of the group and went to join another group of men outside the room. He whispered something to his friend’s ear and this friend whispered it into another person’s ear, who whispered it into the next person’s ear and so on until the whispering had gone through the entire group of about 4 or 5 boys. 

Shortly after this a young woman who was around their age group but slightly younger – maybe 21 years old – was brought forward by one of the men in the group to the young man who originally got out of the camera room and began the whispering trail. This boy was the courageous one who had the guts to go speak to the girl on his friend’s behalf. 

The girl was acting very shy, but she was smiling and being polite to the group of young men. I received the knowledge in my spirit as I watched it, that this was the woman the original young man who had whispered in his friend’s ears wanted to ask out for courtship to lead to marriage. This was also the woman he had been looking at on the surveillance footage in the room inside. As she spoke to them, it was clear that he was full of lust towards her by the way he acted around her, but most importantly the way he looked at her. It was just lust, not love. 

Whilst they interacted this way for just a few minutes, an elder stepped in and interrupted them. It scattered the group and broke off the whole ordeal. Then I could now see in the temple of the Lord that He, the Lord, was summoning all of them, the boys and the girl, to come give an account and repent. 

I explained in the “He disciplines the one He loves” prophecy that in restored Israel, the Lord dwells at the front centre of the temple in Jerusalem, on the altar, and it is from there that He rules over Israel as their King and Father. The way the Lord showed it to me was that the altar was not a platform where a pastor preached, but it was the presence of God Himself and He was represented there as a Light.

Then I saw all of them in front of the altar speaking to the Lord and giving an account of what was going on. The Lord scorned them for their behaviour towards the young woman as not appropriate, and He also spoke about the lust in the young man’s eyes and heart. They spoke there openly, directly, and audibly with no interference. Then they all understood the lesson and they all repented of their behaviour.

Then it was another day in regathered Israel with different people, and I saw a man who called himself a prophet step on a pulpit in a large conference room to speak before everyone. He also took his young daughter up there with him. This man started prophesying to the entire congregation that a certain man among them was the Lord’s choice of husband for his daughter. He kept going on and on about it, telling people how he got the revelation. 

The groom-to-be was brought forward to the pulpit to join the man and his daughter and the community began cheering as they watched all of this happen. 

Suddenly, I was looking at the back of the church and not at the pulpit anymore. I saw 2 women intercessors, mothers – you know those black mamas who can call down fire from heaven with prayer? Yes, those kinds. These 2 women gathered the rest of the intercessors together and called for an emergency meeting at the back of the church. They felt like something was off about this matter, and they all agreed that there was something more to the story.

As they were talking, I heard the Lord say: THE PRIESTHOOD.

From there, the vision suddenly cuts to a group of people being pushed out of the church’s doors. A bus was already parked directly in front of the church’s doors waiting for the exiles-to-be to be loaded in. So as soon as these people were thrust out, they were immediately put into the bus without any opportunity to turn around and talk or attempt to continue explaining themselves. 

As they took their seats on the bus, I saw their faces and recognised the so-called prophet from the pulpit earlier who had falsely prophesied about his daughter’s chosen partner. He with his entire family and their belongings were loaded on that bus at the speed of light as soon as the priesthood confirmed from God that he was a false prophet. Before I knew it, the bus door was slammed shut and they were exiled from the church and community. 

This is where the vision ended. 

The scripture the Lord gave me for this prophecy was Psalm 11.

Psalm 11

11 In the Lord I put my trust;
How can you say to my soul,
“Flee as a bird to your mountain”?
For look! The wicked bend their bow,
They make ready their arrow on the string,
That they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart.
If the foundations are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?

The Lord is in His holy temple,
The Lord’s throne is in heaven;
His eyes behold,
His eyelids test the sons of men.
The Lord tests the righteous,
But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.
Upon the wicked He will rain coals;
Fire and brimstone and a burning wind
Shall be the portion of their cup.

For the Lord is righteous,
He loves righteousness;
His countenance beholds the upright.

In this prophecy, the Lord is giving us insight into how young men and young women will behave in terms of marriages and betrothals in the regathered Israel. This process will not include any defilement, there will not be any shacking up, fornication, lustful behaviour, disrespectful behaviour, unsupervised courtships, and even further than that: there will be no marriages that are unsanctioned by God Himself.

Another highlight is the fact that young men and women will be interested in marriage and be willing to marry relatively younger than what we are accustomed to today. In both parts of the vision, none of the people in these visions, male or female, were over the age of 25.

We also learn about the role of the priesthood, which in this prophecy served as the keepers of God’s will and His laws, like they were in the time of the Levites. The Lord also reveals that in the coming holy nation, intercessors will act as the body called the priesthood. Their intercessory prayers are what keep the spiritual altar of the community burning, in the same way, in the days of the Levites, it was a physical fire that kept burning uninterrupted.

Leviticus 6:12: “The fire on the altar is to be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning the priest will burn wood on the fire.”

This makes me ask the question, have you been keeping the fire on your altar burning? Because aside from the body of the priesthood, we are all called to act as priests and kings unto the Lord. That is why the Lord says that we are to be a royal priesthood and a holy nation.

1 Peter 2:9: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

The banner scripture reminds us that the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever and that this regathered Israel will indeed be kept pure. His eyes will be constantly sweeping throughout the land to make sure it is kept holy. The Lord is righteous and loves righteousness and watches to see that righteousness is upheld and this will be the case in every single area of life in Israel – from a man falsely prophesying on the pulpit to a group of young men interacting in a random room in town. The Lord will be watching and testing the hearts of men and women in His holy nation and will not allow for the seed of iniquity to defile the people and the land. You see that the young man’s lust was dealt with then and there. The false prophet was also dealt with then and there. That is why the tribulation that will serve as a tool to purge and refine the Lord’s people as preparation for His holy nation is NECESSARY. The person who is not in agreement with the Lord’s ways through their thoughts and actions cannot abide in Him.

Also, dealing with sin and iniquity will not be something that will be hidden, but issues that concern the community and its future will be dealt with openly – very much like it was in the days of old before Israel asked God for kings and judges and He was the one who ruled over them directly as their King and their God in the desert. This is what the Lord’s plan has always been, He has said at least 3000 times in His word that in the regathered and restored Israel, “I will be their God and they will be my people”. 

This prophecy tells us two ways in which people’s hearts and words will be tested. Firstly, by Yah Himself who will watch and summon the sinners and expose the motives of their hearts, and secondly by the priesthood. The priesthood will also be able to test – by the spirit – if what is being done in the community is in line with the Lord’s will and ordinances.

This prophecy exposes the fate of those who want to defile the land with sin. In this case, it was the father who was a false prophet who wanted to exalt his ideas above God, use God’s name in vain by falsely prophesying and defiling both his daughter’s and that young man’s lives with his behaviour, which would have subsequently impacted the entire community if it is the case that a marriage is being done outside the Lord’s will. So the penalty for that was exile, not only of the man but his entire family with all their belongings, which is well in line with how the Lord dealt with us, His people, whilst He was our King in the desert. 

The difference is that in the restored Israel, the people’s hearts will not be hardened, and we will be living there in unity and oneness with our God and will embrace His statutes, love the things He loves and hate the things He hates. That is why the entire community had no problem throwing the weed out from among them, which again is well in line with what the Lord said in Corinthians.

 2 Corinthians 6:17: “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”

Please read and study the prophecy again because the Lord is sharing this with us now so that we may know what is up ahead and get ready for it.

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