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“Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things to come hasten upon them.’” – Deuteronomy 32:35

Today I will share the records from my dream diary about Justin Bieber from August 2nd, 2024 titled “I am your Avenger”, says the LORD To Justin Bieber. As soon as I woke up from a fellowship with the Lord in a dream, I knew that if I did not write it down, I would forget it. The Lord has asked me to publish this record today, August 17th 2024. I will add additional information and context about what the prophecy is saying in [ ] square brackets.

The prophecy begins.

I’ve been having dreams of Justin Bieber. The Lord has been hammering it all night that he, Justin Bieber, has a prophetic gift upon his life – Justin IS one of the very rare TRUE prophets of Yahweh. The Lord has been talking about how much Justin was abused by people in Hollywood. He showed me Justin’s genealogy and his family tree, He was explaining and tracing back Justin’s ancestry to show me that Justin is a descendant of men and women of God, and has inherited much of those spiritual gifts.

[As I am proofreading the prophecy before publication now, the Lord is providing me with additional information about Justin’s calling. I will insert it below as a part of the prophecy as the Lord has instructed.]

Thus says the Lord:

Justin is my TRUE prophet. Satan has caused great malfunction to his prophetic gift, and even greater despair to his soul and spirit because he, Satan, knows that this is my true prophet. Justin is called to speak the words that I put in My prophet’s mouths, the way that you, Elvira, have been called to do. Justin would have been one of the greatest voices in the kingdom of God in these end-times, bringing thousands, millions into the Kingdom.

MARK MY WORDS NOW: That is EXACTLY what he will do when I am done with him. I, the LORD GOD, the Almighty, speak and proclaim that Justin Bieber will operate on this earth as My TRUE prophet, preaching the TRUE gospel of repentance, reconciliation, and consecration to live holy and righteous in the Kingdom of God. He will practice it, and he will bring others to do the same. His singing, his gift was NEVER designed to be a pop artist, but to speak My words boldly and loudly!”

[Now, the records from my dream diary continue.]

Justin was robbed. He was spiritually robbed and enslaved. His innocence was taken from him. His gifts were stolen from him. His mind was destroyed.

I heard the Lord say:

Justin is a 100% victim.

As I was recalling and writing down these facts about the night, the Lord began to speak to me about the matter, so I immediately began transcribing the Lord’s words.

Thus says the Lord:

“This is what the Yahudum did to my son. Justin will not fall – I will rescue him. I will clean him and bring him back to me. He will serve me and he will be my willing vessel.

Tell them that I have decided it, and so it shall be.

He was robbed. He was destroyed. He was crushed and his oppressors will not get away with it. The Yahudum will not get away with it. They will pay. I will destroy them and their system. I will kill them. Justin is not the only one.

As I wrote the Lord’s words down, I began having visions, pieces of it were recollections from the night’s dreams, and others were new visions the Lord was giving me. It was tense, the Lord was furious, and His anger weighed heavily on the words He spoke, and could be tangibly felt in the visions He showed me.

[These were not open-eyed visions like when I am sitting at a desk and the Lord is talking and giving me visions, or when I am going about my day and He gives me a vision whilst fully awake. I was in a spiritually aware state where I was still not fully awake and midway in the physically conscious state and midway in the spirit realm seeing these visions. So as I wrote these words down, I was transcribing everything I heard and saw in that state.]

I hear the Lord’s voice say:

The LORD has written it by His own right hand: THEY WILL PAY.

I see the Lord’s hand drawing Justin to Himself so that now Justin is standing next to His presence. I see Him fight violent blood bottles for Justin’s freedom.

I hear a loud doorbell ring. As it is ringing, I see a group of intercessors on their knees, praying fervently.

I hear the Lord’s voice say:

“So when the Lord turns the ties, He will be for you, His children. He will avenge you in the sight of your enemies. He will wash you and will be recognised for it.”

I see people on their knees in a temple. These are new people in a different location compared to the previous ones who were also kneeling and praying. These people are praying to the Lord and insisting again and again on Justin, praying about Justin’s situation. I hear them say “Justin wants to do good but they have him in a trap, in a pit”. As they prayed this, I saw Justin sitting in a dark humid pit. The place was too dark to see where it was and who was around it.

I hear the Lord’s voice say:

“I will place my finger on it”.

[When God says that He will place or move His finger on or against something, it means He will move in judgment against that thing. This was especially relevant during the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt, as He struck Pharaoh with repeated plagues. See Exodus 9.]

After the Lord said this, I saw my (Elvira’s) pastor on a pulpit repeatedly speaking this statement with so much passion: “I will place my finger on it, says the Lord”.

Now I see a glass screen crack in the middle into two pieces. The right piece is taken up and on it, the Lord writes: VICTORIOUS.

I hear the Lord say:

“I will fight this battle. Hollywood and their system will pay.”

I see a building’s underground floor. This is somewhere in Hollywood. There are people there who have heard the Lord’s trumpet sound and have begun responding to it. They began repenting and declaring “The Lord is God and will accomplish what He said”.

[These people represent the captives, the bound and the oppressed of Hollywood’s system]

Now I see a hole, a hole that is dug underground. There is a ladder leading to the surface that appeared and the people began climbing out of the hole.

[The pit represents the spiritual darkness – an overwehlming evil. See Psalms 88:6.]

Now I see a massive tree with very deep roots (I can see them from beneath the ground) that looks like a two-thousand-year-old tree standing TALL and looking indestructible. When SUDDENLY an axe hacks at it out of nowhere and it falls to the ground. A Mighty Hand (the Lord’s hand) then comes and pulls it up from the ground, uprooting it completely.

[The tree represents the well-established and robust satanic kingdom that runs Hollywood, operated the Synagogue of Satan – the fake jews. See Revelation 3:9]

I hear the Lord say:

“With the same fervour you have destroyed people’s lives, I will destroy you.”

Now I see people walking inside what looks like a temple. It is not a crowd, just a group of people. They were hastily walking through the door and I could see visible relief on their faces when they made it inside.

I hear the Lord say:

“My people will return to me. Israel will return to me. They will be happy and peaceful by my side.”

Then the Lord showed me someone sitting on one of the temple’s steps talking with other people that surrounded him. He was talking to them about his trials and tribulations but now he has been saved and redeemed by Jesus Christ.

I hear the Lord say:

“Order will return to it.”

This is where the prophecy ends, the end of the visions.

The Lord Jesus Christ has given me Mark 9: 42 as the banner scripture for this prophecy.

Mark 9: 42:  “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

This scripture is addressed to the synagogue of Satan, the Yahudum, the fake Jews, who have oppressed, tortured, and robbed people and Yah’s chosen, in that Hollywood system – YOUR JUDGEMENT IS HERE. It would be better for you if a large millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea than for you to endure the WRATH of God that is now upon you. Drowning in agony would be too light a judgment for you.

Thus says the Lord:

You think that you are untouchable because of the thousands of years you have spent killing, robbing and destroying people’s lives, BUT BEHOLD, just like the LORD’s axe cut down that two-thousand-year-old tree and it was no more in a matter of seconds, so shall He cut you down.

You think that your money, your control of the media and your evil covenants with the fallen ones, aliens and all the creatures of darkness will preserve you, BUT BEHOLD, just like His mighty hand uprooted whatever was left of that tree, so shall He uproot you from your positions of power and influence, and destroy your demonic system.

As suddenly as that tree was cut down, uprooted and no more, so shall you be eclipsed from the surface of the earth. Your judgment will not knock at your door and allow you to open and invite it in, but it will KNOCK YOUR DOOR DOWN AND DEVOUR YOU.

I, the LORD God, the Almighty, have spoken, and my words will surely accomplish that for which I have sent them forth.

To you, the fake Jews, the synagogue of Satan, this is the word that the Lord has for you:

Haggai 2: 6-9: “For thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

For context, the Lord was speaking here to the exiles of Israel who had been gathered from around the Babylonian kingdom and were rebuilding the Lord’s temple in Jerusalem.

Yahweh is now letting you, the synagogue of Satan, know what He will do to you and how He will elevate those who would have exiled your defiled land to be joined to Him, the Defender of the oppressed and the Avenger of His people.

Thus says the Lord:

I will destroy you. I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land and your nation will be no more. I will dig my people out of your pits of darkness, I will welcome them into my dwelling. I will dwell in them and will sanctify them. My people will return to me. Israel will return to me. I will fill My temple with glory, and all the people I have rescued from your claws. I will build up My people to be greater, richer, and brighter than ever. They will regain their peace and order will be restored in their midst.

I, the LORD God, will surely do this.

You have heard the words of Yahweh. The Lord is promising that He will do so soon, in a little while, so this judgment is not for 100 years from now. but will unfold before our eyes. It may take 2 weeks or 20 years, but it is not for 500 years from now.

To you all, who work in Hollywood whether you are of the Yahudum or not.

You who mock God and think that you will get away with it, there is no such thing – the WRATH of God is upon you. You who run around to draw people into sinful lifestyles, will not get away – the WRATH of God is upon you. You who support and fuel Hollywood with your labour and remain silent when you see people suffering – the WRATH of God is upon you.

If you do not want to die with the Synagogue of Satan, you better REPENT and do so fast because the judgment that is coming for them is also coming for YOU.

I will publish part 2 of this prophecy as a separate post, where the Lord is speaking to Justin Bieber and those who have been CRUSHED, CHEWED UP AND SPAT OUT by the Hollywood system and are DESPERATE for some rest, DESPERATE for a way out. The Lord has heard the cry of His people, the Lord will not ignore the distress of the oppressed and the needy. Surely, the LORD is faithful to rescue those who cry out to Him with a sincere heart.

This is what the word of the Lord says:

‘Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. Can a corrupt throne be allied with you— a throne that brings on misery by its decrees? The wicked band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. But the Lord has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge. He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness; the Lord our God will destroy them.’ Psalms 94:17-23

Be like the wise men of old before you, cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him your fortress, the rock in whom you take refuge. REPENT and put your trust in Him, and just like He has always been faithful to deliver His people, He shall be faithful to deliver you.

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