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I, Elvira, had just woken up from a long dream in the early hours of August 14th 2024 when the word of Yahweh came to me.

The dream was very intense and sad. When I woke up I did not understand what I had just watched. I had not seen myself in this type of dream for a while: dreams where I am personally being hurt and persecuted. I was confused and I did not know what to pray for.

In my spiritual training for this office, the Lord has allowed me to go through much spiritual warfare, I am talking about battling dragons and ancient mammoths in my dreams. That is also what comes with this calling, especially with the territory I was sent to: Israel first and the church of the Nations second, and when it has the kind of commission I have received: her second exodus and full restoration.

There has been a – physical and spiritual – battle with, for, and about Israel since the beginning of time when Yah called Abraham and set his bloodline apart to be the Lord’s chosen people. That is why you will see all of the prophets of the Bible who were called to Israel go through terrible isolation, distressful persecution, and painful rejection by the very people they have been called to.

In the early hours of August 14th, the Lord reminded me of this through this dream and then gave me a personal prophetic word as the prophet called to speak to His people. Nothing that He was saying was new to me, but the way He said it, the formality of His statements, made me ponder all day. Like all of the private matters we discuss, I thought that this was to be kept in my archives and stay between the two of us, but He instructed me later in the day to make it the next prophecy to be published on The Fruit Factory.

I admit that I started mildly sweating when He said that because the nature of the dream and the prophecy was so very intimate, it included my dearest ones and much of my very private matters, but the Lord allowed me to retract that private information and only publish the part of the prophecy that He has deemed necessary to be open to the public.

Without further ado, I now share with you the words of the Lord given to me titled “A TREACHEROUS NATION” from August 14th, 2024.

Thus says the Lord:

“Israel is a treacherous nation, she is a witch too.

She will betray you, but I will not allow it. She will mock you, but I will lift you up. She will try to use you to get her way and dump you but I will be your fortress. She will want to be around you and she will act as if she is willing to help you but don’t be deceived she is only interested in herself. She will insult you and reject you for what you will tell her but don’t worry, just keep going and doing what you need to do.

It is my real people – lovers of God – in her midst, whom you should worry about and this is only a very small portion. All the others will die and not see the promised land so none of what they say matters. As for my true people who love me, they will be your helpers and supporters.”

Later in the day, the Lord added the following word to the original statement and then asked me to make it the next prophecy publication on the Fruit Factory.

Thus says the Lord:

“This is nothing new. Israel has always been this way. She has always rejected My messengers. This is her nature, but this time I will find among her a remnant who I will take back to the land of her promise. Just like I have always said, so it shall be done.

As for you, My daughter, do not lose heart. Do not be discouraged. Consider this work that you do for Me and not for her because if you are counting on anything from this harlot of a nation, your heart will be broken.

But from among you, there will be a group of people who will love me, who will be faithful to me. A very small group that I will work with and expand, and grow, and fructify, and multiply, and the world will be in AWE of My glory in you.

I have given you an iron back. I have forged in you an iron neck, Elvira. Do your work and do it diligently. I am your Defender. I am your Protector. I put my seal on you to proclaim these words to My people and no one and nothing will stand in the way of their fulfilment.”

This is the end of the Lord’s words for this prophecy.

The Lord’s words I am sharing with you today are heart-wrenching when you consider the story of these people, the branch of Jacob, the true Israel of the Bible. The scripture that neatly summarises what the Lord is describing here is found in Acts 7: 51-53:

“You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it.

This aspect of the real Israelites has been one of the reasons why we were sent off to be slaves in a foreign land twice over. The Lord has had to hear the cries and comfort the faint-heartedness of ALL the prophets He ever sent to Israel, many of which have been recorded in the bible.

Acts 7 recounts Stephen’s address to the Israelites just before he was martyred for having believed in the promised Messiah, Jesus – The Christ. Stephen brilliantly reminds them of their treacherous nature. They were “cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth” (Acts 7:54) for a second but it did not stop them from killing him.

For context, Stephen was one of the disciples who joined the faith after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to be at the right of the Father. At that time, the church was rapidly growing by the power of the Holy Spirit who was at work in the apostles and disciples in its purest and most powerful form. Those times are returning, that is how this end-times church is going to be once the Lord is done with what He has called “THE GREAT PURGE” until we are eventually outlawed from society because of the rise of the Beast.

Stephen had been chosen with 6 other disciples to be leaders over the people and take care of daily management matters, whilst the original 11 were devoted to preaching and ministering the Gospel for the church to continue to grow. Stephen did great wonders amongst the people, but like anything that carries God’s glory, he was attacked by Satan. A group of jealous and frustrated men who could not reconcile with the infallibility of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus slandered him, bringing upon him the charges of blasphemy against God. You can read all about this in Acts 6.

His words to Israel before getting killed give us an overview of what the Lord is saying in today’s prophecy.

The Lord said: “Israel is a treacherous nation, she is a witch too.”

Treachery is a betrayal of trust, a lack of loyalty to someone or something, and a violation of faith. Treachery is trickery, cheating and deceit. What the Lord considers treachery more than anything else is idolatry which is when one exalts anything or anyone above God in their hearts. Most of the church in this day and age is EXTREMELY selfish, and her idol is herself. She thinks God works for her.

It is when you are your number one priority and not God, that you start bowing and worshiping all the other gods to try and get what you want. That is what the Bible calls “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 John 2:16). These three things are the root of treachery to God.

As long as you enjoy the things of the world, you will be treacherous to God, and how much does Israel revel in her lust and adultery with everything that is not of God? The answer is A LOT. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel are the prophets who most profusely documented the Father’s words of lament over Israel’s harlotry and treachery.

The way we have pained and hurt our Father is beyond words, Israel. Yet, here we are in 2024, and He is still proclaiming the same cries of hurt and betrayal from us. When will it ever be enough? When will we ever give our Father some rest from our evil ways? Sometimes He would be in so much anger at the nonsense that is idolatry that He would craft entire satires, like this statement in Isaiah 2:8:

Their land is also full of idols; They worship the work of their own hands, That which their own fingers have made.

This is like what we do today. A new singer is put on the map and introduced as an “up-and-coming talent”, and you start liking them, buying their merchandise, streaming their music, going to their concerts, following them on social media and turning them into superstars. YOU do this with your own time you spend caring about this person; With your little fingers pressing buttons to read tabloid articles and promote them on digital platforms; With your bank accounts that finance their lifestyle with your purchases. This person becomes a global star you worship and defend in social media wars and call your “favourites”. You create the monster, then you bow to it. You do this with musicians, actors, and political candidates. Yes, I am talking about the Donal Trumps, the Taylor Swifts, the Beyonces, the Zendayas… etc. This phenomenon is as old as Pharoah. There is nothing new under the sun.

Do you not do this when you make up a version of God in your minds that has nothing to do with who He says He in His word – that you do not even fully believe in? This “god” is the one you made up by separating him from the One True God of the Bible, but it is to this “god” that you are asking and expecting the promises that the bible promises. You will not accept the Bible as infallible because its MOST IMPORTANT parts challenge your small human brain and crush your ego, yet it is out of the promises of this same Bible that you want to claim that you will go to heaven and receive all the things God promises His people. I know the perfect word to describe this phenomenon: SCHIZOPHRENIA. This is the very definition of making something with your own hands, then worshipping it – and doing so with zeal.

If I hear “MY god wouldn’t do something like this” ONE MORE TIME… Yes, your “god” wouldn’t do it because you have manufactured your god with your own mind and you worship him. Your god and Yahweh, the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the Prince of Peace, the First and the Last are NOT THE SAME. Thus, please stop butchering the holiness of MY God and continue to worship the work of your own hands on that side of the aisle, the pagan side. I truly mean this because such people weaken and poison the church of Jesus Christ with their doctrines of devils and the Lord has had ENOUGH of your harlotry and witchcraft. You are a witch because you are trying to manipulate God into someone He is not. Either come correct or pack up and cross over to the other side of the aisle, simple!

If you are one of these “My god” people, if you do not believe in the Bible as the living word of the One True God, if you do not RESPECT and put into practice every single part of what that Book says, then you are up for a RUDE awakening on the last day when you will meet your Maker. He will SPIT YOU OUT.

Just now I was looking for a specific scripture that I could not recall the chapter and verse number for and landed on a forum that spoke about the persecution or rejection of prophets in Israel. Do you know that there are people who create comic books to mock the word of God and call it “contradictory”? People who call persecution of God’s prophets “getting a parking ticket”? I did not know that people mock the word of God in this way. Just the 2 minutes I spent on that forum have made me better understand something that the Lord told me in a prophecy that will be published here in the next days, which stated “Only 5% of you will make it”.

The world is seriously LOST.

Another satire the Lord wrote that I find very funny is in Isaiah 44. You can feel how exasperated He is with Israel and this same sentiment is what He had when He spoke this prophecy I am now sharing with you to me.

Verse 12 says:

‘The blacksmith with the tongs works one in the coals, Fashions it with hammers, And works it with the strength of his arms. Even so, he is hungry, and his strength fails; He drinks no water and is faint.’

So Yah is saying that the blacksmith manufactures his god with his own hands until exhaustion, but it is to that same god that he will bow after he has rested. It makes no sense.

Verses 13 and 14 say:

‘The craftsman stretches out his rule, He marks one out with chalk; He fashions it with a plane, He marks it out with the compass, And makes it like the figure of a man, According to the beauty of a man, that it may remain in the house. He cuts down cedars for himself, And takes the cypress and the oak; He secures it for himself among the trees of the forest. He plants a pine, and the rain nourishes it.’

Yah is detailing all the craftsmanship the carpenter puts into manufacturing his god with his own hands before he secures this god in the forest and cares for it. So you finish making something with your hands, then you worship it yet you still need to care and upkeep it because it is just a block of wood there looking at you. How many of you do this with your social media accounts? Like the carpenter, you put so much craftsmanship, time, and effort into learning to take pictures, edit videos, and look good on camera. You must have the right thumbnail for the YouTube video, the right hook for the TikTok post, and the right picture for the Instagram feed. You create activities that you can photograph, cook foods that will make for that good Instagram picture, and stage holidays that you know will give you good Instagram moments or will make for a good vlog for your YouTube channel. As the carpenter did with his idol in the forest, you have secured your idol as an account on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and so forth. You have created an idol of yourself that you bow to and are enslaved by. Like the carpenter, you must upkeep this idol so you can keep selling it to people you call your followers. You take out loans to buy camera equipment, borrow money from friends and family or empty your accounts to buy the right software, buy nice clothes, go to nice places, and keep up with the Joneses.

For those of you who go claim to be Christian and go to church, even your choice of church must appease your idol: it has to have nice music bands and performances, nice-looking pastors, a modern facility and a front row where you hope to get a selfie here and there if you are lucky. This phenomenon is as old as Pharoah. There is nothing new under the sun.

Verses 15 to 19 continue to say:

‘Then it shall be for a man to burn, For he will take some of it and warm himself; Yes, he kindles it and bakes bread; Indeed he makes a god and worships it; He makes it a carved image, and falls down to it. He burns half of it in the fire; With this half he eats meat; He roasts a roast, and is satisfied. He even warms himself and says, “Ah! I am warm, I have seen the fire.” And the rest of it he makes into a god, His carved image. He falls down before it and worships it, Prays to it and says, “Deliver me, for you are my god!” They do not know nor understand; For He has shut their eyes, so that they cannot see, And their hearts, so that they cannot understand. And no one considers in his heart, Nor is there knowledge nor understanding to say, “I have burned half of it in the fire, Yes, I have also baked bread on its coals; I have roasted meat and eaten it; And shall I make the rest of it an abomination? Shall I fall down before a block of wood?”’

The Lord is calling out man’s stupidity and does so in a hilarious way. He is saying that a man will cut wood with his own hands and section it into different parts. With one part he will make some fire to stay warm, and cook, and with the other part, he will carve a god and start worshipping it. With the same mouth that he rejoices over the fire with this wood he made to cook his food, he also prays to this wood as his god to save him. Isn’t this like when you create political icons, YOU MAKE THEM ICONIC, then you turn around and ask them to make your country great again? The icon will respond: I didn’t make myself great, I never put myself up here – YOU did, so please make your own country great again. I highly recommend that you start looking to the only One who makes nations great, He who is the founder and overseer of the earth and everything in it: Yahweh.

By the way, when you get to know the Lord, you realise He is neither someone who will support everything you do and say without any regard for His standards of righteousness, nor is an angry tyrant always looking for someone to punish. He has an actual PERSONALITY, with a GREAT sense of humour. I mean this. Intimacy with Him is incredible.

Witchcraft is any endeavour to try and get someone to do something you want not out of their own free will but by using various manipulative tactics. It must not be outright with dark mystical powers, but it can also be using verbal, emotional, physical and psychological means. Anything that attempts to control and manipulate is witchcraft. The truth is that once someone engages in manipulation, they are only a phone call away from visiting a diviner, witch, warlock or other demonic agents to try and get their way, they go hand-in-hand.

For example, most of today’s preachers and those who hold offices in the church are using witchcraft on their congregation. When they teach you doctrines of devils, then get you high on dopamine with their sermon props, loud shouting that calls for you to shout “amen” back at them, and a high-beat (demonic) worship experience. Or when they turn their social media platforms into reality TV shows, making vlogs, posting pictures and showing you all what they claim God is doing for them. They are blinding you and manipulating you. They are showing you these things so you may relate to and follow them, instead of keeping your eyes on God. So that you won’t question the lies they tell you too much because you have developed a soul tie with them. This is witchcraft.

Your celebrities and social media influencers do this too. They call it “developing a bond” and being “relatable” with their fans or their audience. Well YES, they are indeed developing a bond between you and their demons. That’s why you will take out a loan to go to one of their concerts, borrow money to buy their cinema tickets or latest clothing, fitness or haircare line when you cannot afford rent. Witchcraft.

Another example is this thing that today’s culture calls “love bombing”, which is witchcraft. This is when someone is overtly affectionate to excessive levels. They become your ideal partner and go above and beyond for you for some time at the beginning of the relationship so that they can blind you and take down your scepticism, rationality, and innate emotional defence mechanisms. Once that is done they can easily trap you. Witchcraft.

Another example is your “woke” and “black power” leaders and religions who start telling you that you do not love black people if you do not marry or date a black person. They feed you doctrines of misery, bitterness and division. YOU are the ones who give them power. You make them popular and then you allow them to imprison you.

The people who feed you such filth and are so militant about it, look at their lives and ask yourselves the quality of the fruit they are bearing. Do they have true stable homes? Do they live holy lives? Do they bring you closer to Jesus Christ or draw you further away from Him? No, they are the ones who have 4 children with 5 women, have what they call “sister” wives and are always angry and aggressive because of all the bottled-up bitterness in their hearts.

Ah, these are also the ones who call Jesus Christ a “white saviour” with whom the slave master has “indoctrinated you”. Or, they call Him a “white god in the sky”. They are the ones who tell you that the “true” god is a black man who when you research, you realise was a wife-beater, criminal, and alcoholic who was actually biracial. In the same breath that they tell you that any trace of whiteness is inferior to blackness, they also show you a picture of a biracial god. It makes NO SENSE, it never has and never will, but you are too engorged in the witchcraft spell.


You allow your souls and spirits to get drunk on such poison, witchcraft, and blasphemy and call yourselves people who are “for the people” or “Pan-Africanists”. You are being bewitched and you can not see it because these wizards shower you with sweet talks all day saying things like “We are kings”, “We are queens”, “We must claim back our kingdoms”, “They hate us because we are superior to them”, “We are the blueprint”, “I love us”. All of this comes down to one word: WITCHCRAFT.

Stephen talks about Israel’s treachery and witchcraft when he reminds the Israelites (who are about to kill him because of that same witchcraft and treachery) that 11 of our forefathers sold their brother Joseph into slavery because of jealousy – an act of witchcraft and treachery. Yet, when the famine hit Egypt it was he, Joseph, who fed them all. He became a covering for his people who settled in Egypt under his leadership as governor.

After much enjoyment and growth on the land, they became slaves in Egypt when a new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph rose to power. When the time for their liberation came, Yah brought up from among them a prophet, Moses, who would help get them out of slavery, but they rejected him. Forty years later, the Lord revisited Moses and renewed his call to be the leader of their Exodus. Yet, they rejected him AGAIN when he was busy on Mount Sinai inquiring from the Lord on their behalf! In Acts 7: 38-43 it is written:

“This is he (Moses) who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, the one who received the living oracles[f] to give to us, whom our fathers would not obey, but rejected. And in their hearts they turned back to Egypt, 40saying to Aaron, ‘Make us gods to go before us; as for this Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.’ And they made a calf in those days, offered sacrifices to the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. Then God turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven, as it is written in the Book of the Prophets:

‘Did you offer Me slaughtered animals and sacrifices during forty years in the wilderness,

O house of Israel?

You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch,

And the star of your god Remphan,

Images which you made to worship;

And I will carry you away beyond Babylon.’”

Israel’s idolatry continues to this day and the Lord was telling me that morning of August 14th, 2024 that this is what will continue to happen until He extracts from her midst a remnant who will be holy and will truly love Him.

The Lord says: She will betray you, but I will not allow it. She will mock you, but I will lift you up. She will try to use you to get her way and dump you but I will be your fortress. She will want to be around you and she will act as if she is willing to help you but don’t be deceived she is only interested in herself. She will insult you and reject you for what you will tell her but don’t worry, just keep going and doing what you need to do.

It is my real people – lovers of God – in her midst, whom you should worry about and this is only a very small portion. All the others will die and not see the promised land so none of what they say matters. As for my true people who love me, they will be your helpers and supporters.”

You only have to look at how much and how long the same prophets had to proclaim the same things over and over and over again for years to know that Israel has do this to prophets before, I will just be one more on the list, that is the truth.

I will be one more on the list of the rejected tru prophets whilst Israel runs around paying $300 tickets to conferences for healing and deliverance from prophets who are demon-possessed, molest children and trade their followers’ souls for fame and money to Baphomet.

The following statement is what The Lord had to give Israel through Ezekiel:

‘“Son of man, what is this proverb that you people have about the land of Israel, which says, ‘The days are prolonged, and every vision fails’? Tell them therefore, ‘Thus says the Lord God : “I will lay this proverb to rest, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel.” ’ But say to them, ‘ “The days are at hand, and the fulfillment of every vision. For no more shall there be any false vision or flattering divination within the house of Israel. For I am the Lord . I speak, and the word which I speak will come to pass; it will no more be postponed; for in your days, O rebellious house, I will say the word and perform it,” says the Lord God .’ ”’ Ezekiel 12:22-25

These are words of frustration that come from a Father who has seen His children disrespect and insult both His messenger, and His message for a long time. Or let’s look at what He told Ezekiel when He originally called him into ministry as a prophet:

‘And He said to me: “Son of man, I am sending you to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against Me to this very day. For they are impudent and stubborn children. I am sending you to them, and you shall say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God .’ As for them, whether they hear or whether they refuse—for they are a rebellious house—yet they will know that a prophet has been among them. “And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you dwell among scorpions; do not be afraid of their words or dismayed by their looks, though they are a rebellious house. You shall speak My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious. But you, son of man, hear what I say to you. Do not be rebellious like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you.”’ Ezekiel 2:3-8

This is what Yah had to say about Israel several millennia ago, and it is still what He has to say about us today in 2024. The good news is that it will always end exactly how the Lord has said that it will. As Isaiah 46:10 says, He declares the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that not yet done. This is the Lord who says: “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure”.

May His counsel stand in the words He gives me to proclaim to His people and the nations. May He do His pleasure and may I prove faithful and work with diligence and speed to bring forth EVERYTHING He has asked of me and bear the best fruit I can bear for His mighty Kingdom. To Him be the glory today and forever and ever, Amen!

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