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100% Of Your Donation

Will Bear Fruit For The Kingdom.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

In early September 2024, Yah decided to take this ministry to a new level through the prolific publishing and printing of epistles and books (multiple a year), the professional work of researching the truth and exposing the lies - with evidence - that were hidden from us by Satan to program us for his end-times dominion of the earth, the professional production of video and audio broadcasts for all of the Lord Jesus Christ's prophetic words to reach every nation in dozens of languages.

This is a massive undertaking, to say the least, and true prophetic ministry is different from running a church. It is a very intimate process - to receive from Yah's mouth directly and be tasked with the immense responsibility of proclaiming that to the entire world as we approach The Lord's return. I DO NOT TAKE IT LIGHTLY.

The Fruit Factory's Ethos:

The Prophetic Words Of Yah Are Not A Business.

Your donation will be to me, Elvira - NOT an organisation - as a gift (as it would be for friends and family) without any supply of goods or services in exchange for it. None of TFF's platforms are monetised and all our publications are provided free of charge, for freely I have received and freely I give.

I pour my full-time and personal finances into this work and am determined to do it without seeking tax benefits and incorporation into the system - without compromise, for the Lord's prophetic words are not for money.

'So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.' - 2 Corinthians 9:7

It is time for harvest!

I am moving forward as Yah's obedient servant, according to His instructions. Your support will be a great blessing to this work as I labour to go after the Lord Jesus Christ's end times fruit to be harvested for our King's glory.

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