“The deliverance and victory of Israel will be through music and worship,” says the Lord.
By Elvira.
Prophecy received: On August 3rd, 2024.
Victory Like Jericho
I saw myself being very joyful and high-fiving people in a row as I jogged across the front line. Then I made my way to the front of the room. Then I was joined by a friend who was also very happy and joyful. We began talking to the people and thanking the Lord for the time we are spending together in fellowship.
Then I saw us sit down at the front with microphones. This front could be likened to a tiny stage, just a step or two high. There was only a piano on the side and maybe one or two other instruments, no more. The room itself was very small and had about 50 people in it.
My friend and I began to sing psalms of worship, the people around us were soaking in this worship and the presence of the Lord was strongly felt in the room.
The Lord said, “Deliverance”.
We continued to sing and I saw a woman manifesting demons and falling to the ground as we sang. The glory of God was active. His glory was there.
I heard the Lord say, “The deliverance and victory of Israel will be through music and worship.”.
Then I was taken to see other small groups like ours around the world. The same format was used: only 2 people singing in agreement on the tiny stage, no more than 50 people in attendance, and little to no instruments. Small groups like this were coming together all over the world led by anointed servants of the Lord in prophetic worship.
The Lord said, “We do not need more worshippers, we need more psalmists”.
Then I saw before me the writing: “VICTORY LIKE IN JERICHO”.
Thus says the Lord:
“Stop televising your worship. This is My instruction to Israel: organise these little group gatherings of worship. It must stay small, intimate, led by someone who is anointed for true worship and lives holy.
If it is getting large, then the additional new people should create a new small group. In no time, you will have altars of worship all around your communities and your deliverance will be palpable.
Do not film it. Do not put it on social media. Do not market it. Do not post it to YouTube. Collect all phones at the door and come into the secret place to be in fellowship with Me, in intimacy.
I say it again: No phones, no cameras, no social media, no promotions, no groups larger than 50 (including musicians), no fanfare.
I, the Lord, look at the heart. Sit and sing to Me in spirit and truth. No fanfare.
Psalms of praise: This is a huge cure to your intoxication, Israel.
I repeat: Led by anointed people who live holy lives. Failure to check this will cause poison and more calamity and disorders. Anyone who tries to qualify themselves as leaders I have not sent I will be judged harshly by death because you are toying with My people’s lives.
Time is running out.
I don’t have time to entertain such evil, not today any longer. The cup of My patience is coming to its fullness. Judgement is coming, save yourselves and and take heed of My warning.
I know you, I see all things and I will not spare he who is hasty to lead other people to hell through their disobedience and false leadership that will corrupt and kill them.
Take heed of My warning, Israel.
Listen to Me and do as I say.
Praise is the cure. Do it in the spirit, regularly and from a sincere heart and surely, I will be in your midst and will deliver you.
I, the Lord God Almighty, have spoken and so it will be.”
Joshua 6: 1-5
“Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.
2 Then the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men.
3 March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days.
4 Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets.
5 When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in.”
You have heard the world of the Lord.
We must apply ourselves to true worship in spirit and in truth as the Lord has instructed and obtained victory over sin, demonic activity and bondage like we once had victory over Jericho through the power of sound in obedience to the Lord’s instruction, for He is the Lord and He does not change.
Israel, listen to your God and obey Him. Let go of futility, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Let go of the need to win a Grammy award or get YouTube followers. Focus on the Lord, focus on your deliverance.
He who has ears, let him hear.
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About The Author
Elvira is a born-again believer in Jesus Christ who received her call from Yah to do this work in 2021. She is a German author with interests in law, media, and business.
Elvira does not use social media.
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