“I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty”, says the Lord.
Friday, August 2nd 2024.
By Elvira.
I was praying and speaking to the Lord when I received this vision from Him on August 2nd 2024.
This is another prophecy that brings us into the future of true Israel and the Church after we are regathered to the promised land as elaborately explained in Isaiah 60.
“Guilty on all counts”
The vision started with a very excited young man walking down the street and talking to his friends. He was motivating them and trying to persuade them to partake in something exciting that was coming up.
Then I saw a huge car that looked like a mix of a limousine and a van parked at the end of the street, this is what he was walking towards but he stopped a few steps before entering the car to speak to a young girl. He was telling her how amazing the night was going to be and that she should join. Until now no one had joined him despite his efforts to convince them, until his young woman.
Then I could now see inside the car they were about to enter. I saw a huge object loaded into the car, and placed in the middle of the area where seats face each other. This object looked like a rolled rug. I did not understand what it was doing there, but the car was large enough to accommodate it without disturbing the passengers. After the object was thrown in, the young man and woman entered the car.
Then I saw their car arrive at a place that looked like a nightclub street. This was not in Israel any longer and they had journeyed there. They all got out of the car and began to walk towards a club and the young man was once more enticing people on the street to join him, that he would pay for the drinks and they could have fun together.
Then the scene suddenly cut to a vision of an older guy running down staircases in a crowded place that looked like a market. He was looking over his shoulder as if someone was chasing him and then he stopped running and walked and smiled knowing that he had just gotten away with a crime. This was a separate scene during the day, in Israel, that had nothing to do with the first club scene.
What happened next was that this running man abruptly disappeared from the marketplace, and appeared in front of the Lord’s altar in the temple. I have explained in previous prophecies that the Lord showed me His altar in the temple in Jerusalem as the place where He will dwell in the restored Israel, very much like it has always been the case in the past.
His presence was there and it is from there that, as I saw, He ruled over His people as their God, Father and King. His presence was represented on the altar as a light.
So the running man disappeared from the market and reappeared in the temple in front of the Lord’s altar, and he was accompanied by the party guy and his party girlfriend. There were 3 people in total.
The Lord spoke out from the altar, in front of the assembly in the temple, and asked them for an account of what they had done, and to repent of their sins. The party guy was to go first. The Lord asked him to confess and repent of his crimes. This guy began to justify himself, first quietly by simply talking back in defiance against God, and then he started to become loud, speaking loudly, being vindictive and telling God that he did nothing wrong.
The Lord asked him again a few times to repent of the orchestrated clubbing. It was not only that he engaged in drunkenness, but he also rallied an entire town to do so with him. This young man would not listen, and he once more began to be vindictive and loud about his behaviour.
I was watching this and thinking “This boy must have caught a demon or two”. As he was going on and on in defiance and arrogance, he just fell and died on the spot. The Lord struck him dead.
No one watching the scene in the temple was shocked by this, it is those who stood in front of the altar with him who began to shake in their boots.
Then my vision shifted to a corner of the temple. I could see what was happening in front of the altar, and I could also see this young girl in a discreet corner of the temple being angry at what had happened. She murmured words to herself, expressing her discontent with the young party boy’s judgement. Then it stopped being murmurs and she began viciously shaking her head from left to right in anger.
Right there as she was getting worked up, she disappeared from where she was and appeared with the others in front of the altar next to the party boy’s corpse.
At this moment, the Lord gave me the understanding to know that this boy was one of her best friends. The Lord quietly and kindly asked her to repent of her blasphemy, rebellion and idolatry of her friend whom she exalted above the Lord and His judgement. He listed her crimes out to her, explaining it in great detail, but she did not repent. She kept talking back arrogantly and being angry in her vindictiveness against the Lord.
Then it is as if the camera was moving through the room, showing me people’s faces in reaction to the young girl’s interaction with the Lord. I could see people’s faces filled with SHOCK that said “What is she doing?”, one woman even put her hand over her mouth in absolute disbelief at what her eyes were seeing. Others were shaking their heads as if to say “What a pity…”, whilst others were looking at her and thinking “She definitely wants to die, she is asking for it”. Even the people standing there with her in front of the Lord wanted to shut her up. I could tell that the running man from earlier wanted to put his hand over her mouth and tell her “Stop talking!”.
As she was speaking in that way, getting bolder and bolder, louder and louder, she fell and died. Like the friend she was defending, she got struck by the Lord. Nobody in the room was surprised, some of the older people were even nodding in agreement.
After she fell, there was a moment of silence, and then a giant scroll appeared, floating in the air in the middle of the altar, in front of the Lord’s Light that represented His presence. The thread that kept the scroll rolled up untied itself and the scroll unraveled in front of the entire assembly. The title of the scroll was “Recorded transgressions of …” – this was for the young man who was struck first but I did not see his name.
Then it was as if the scroll was directly in front of my eyes, like a board or a screen. There was a long list of transgressions and each one had details of all the recorded incidents written next to them but I could retain only the first 4 points:
1. Idolatry
2. Drug dealing
3. Promotion of drunkenness and prostitution
4. Fornication
When the assembly saw the scroll with its long list of transgressions, they unanimously GASPED in disbelief, people’s mouths were wide open at what this young man had been doing in secret this entire time.
Then, the transgression that said “promoting prostitution” illuminated itself, it lit up as if someone had clicked on it. It was enlarged on the scroll and then out of it played a video for all to see. In this video, the young man was taking money from men after they had had sex with women, and he thanked them for their business.
As this video played, the crowd shouted in grief and clutched their pearls. It was revealed that this man used to go to neighbouring towns and do all kinds of evil, and was trying to get the Lord’s people in Israel to do the same, providing them with funds and free transportation. Then the Lord exposed that the rug I had seen at the beginning of the vision was to conceal drugs, as the drugs were wrapped up inside it.
Then, the scroll rolled itself back up and the thread tied itself back around the scroll. Before the scroll was closed, the others up for judgment dropped prostrate to the ground before the Lord in repentance and supplication for the forgiveness of their sin. Even people in the assembly, in the crowd, began to repent.
This is where these visions ended.
The banner scripture that the Lord gave for this prophecy was Isaiah 13: 11.
“I will punish the world for its evil,
the wicked for their sins.
I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty
and will humble the pride of the ruthless.”
This is the testimony of Jesus Christ, the word of prophecy from the Lord to His people about the coming justice system of the regathered and restored Israel in all her glory. As you may or may not have noticed, the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever – righteousness and holiness are His standards.
I will leave you with this scripture:
Isaiah 48: 3-7
3 “I have declared the former things from the beginning;
They went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it.
Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.
4 Because I knew that you were obstinate,
And your neck was an iron sinew,
And your brow bronze,
5 Even from the beginning I have declared it to you;
Before it came to pass I proclaimed it to you,
Lest you should say, ‘My idol has done them,
And my carved image and my molded image
Have commanded them.’
6 “You have heard;
See all this.
And will you not declare it?
I have made you hear new things from this time,
Even hidden things, and you did not know them.
7 They are created now and not from the beginning;
And before this day you have not heard them,
Lest you should say, ‘Of course I knew them.’
Read: Can You Take The Heat?
About The Author
Elvira is a born-again believer in Jesus Christ who received her call from Yah to do this work in 2021. She is a German author with interests in law, media, and business.
Elvira does not use social media.
Insight Into The Fruit Factory