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I, Elvira, have been tasked by Yahweh to begin a series of prophecies that the Lord is proclaiming against very prominent names in Hollywood who operate both in the face of the public and behind the scenes. Before I begin this assignment, I must provide a disclosure of my history with Hollywood within the limits of the preservation of my and other people’s private matters as directed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

The topic of Hollywood is one that I have been dealing with since January 2022.

This is an industry where I almost had a career as a screenwriter, studios and producers offered me A LOT of money for my ideas in those days but the Lord stopped me in that process and revealed to me that He had allowed me to become intertwined with that industry because I was called to be their evangelist and intercessor. I have prayed and fasted for many celebrities since January 2022 as a result. The Lord made me write book-length exhortations to them about salvation in Christ Jesus that were read – and are still getting read – by millions.

However, in all my efforts only a very small part accepted Christ so far, some of whom have become very dear friends of mine because of how radically they chose to hang onto Christ. They are zealous ambassadors of the Kingdom of God today, though the general public may not perceive it. Some of them have also received their calls from the Lord into the five-fold ministries of the church. They have become labourers for Christ to try and get their former colleagues in that industry to accept Christ and escape judgment.

We have seen very few turn their lives around, many started the process but either got pulled back into their satanic circles or are still trying to find a way around their 24/7 surveillance and having to fight robots, whilst others never once cared. What I am stating here is not a joke, for the top earners to find a way out of this industry alive after giving their lives to Christ is VERY daunting, but there is nothing that God cannot do.

Therefore, we thank the Lord for the few because even if just one person preserves their eternal life until the final hour, all the labour would have been worth it. Those who have been converted and have successfully gotten out of the grip of that system are continuing the work on the field to get more people out. I continue to pray for them so that they can carry out their God-given assignment.

Many of these celebrities have used their witchcraft and occultic powers to try and harm me physically and spiritually during my evangelist work there. Many heads of the biggest studios you know have offered me money, many of your favourite hand-clapping ponytail-swirling singers and their hip-hop husbands have laboured for months to try to take me out and some went as far as trying to take out my family when they could not get to me, but the Lord has never allowed it.

I have been followed and spied on in my day-to-day life because of this. They have tried to poison me too, because of this. Satan has unleashed his biggest dogs on me in that industry, but to no avail because Jesus Christ is and will always be GREATER. The same people I was praying for were doing this to me, but I kept praying for them with the sincere hope that they would find salvation.

Those who accepted Christ are now seeing their reputations and careers butchered by the Yahudum (the fake Jews), and continue to have their public images manipulated as if they were still part of Hollywood. Others are being held captive, surrounded by robots and AI security systems so that they cannot escape and have to continue working as slaves. This is what Satan does, he cannot let go, and he cannot accept defeat, but God will always have the last word. So when the Lord began to give me these prophetic visions of judgement, I understood that the time of destruction for this entire industry had finally come, just like He had asked me to proclaim to them since 2022.

The last vision the Lord showed me of them just before starting to give me these judgements, was that of a group of many A-list movie stars you know standing together at a fancy gala mocking me, mocking my ministry, mocking my consecration to the Lord Jesus Christ and mocking God, busting out laughing and patting each other on the back whilst doing it.

To that the Lord simply said 3 statements, “THEY ARE LOST. THEY WILL FEEL MY WRATH. IT IS TIME FOR THE HARVEST”.

It did not bother me because I know that the work I do is for no human being but for the Lord Jesus Christ and like He said, in the end, the first shall be the last, and the last shall be the first.

With this disclosure out of the way, I will begin the process of delivering whatever Yahweh decides to put in my mouth to proclaim against Hollywood. For the record, the Lord considers a sub-nation of its own, they operate in their system and do not submit to the laws that the rest of the USA submit to because they are Satan’s headquarters and his personal PR firm. Satan is their king and rules over them, they are the ones who bring him the most glory and recruit the most souls into his kingdom of darkness, so the rest of the American system has accepted this fact and knows that they are untouchable. But the Yahweh has decided that the time for harvest has arrived and He is balancing the scales – all the big heads will be cut off.

If you are working in Hollywood and are reading or listening to this now, just like I have told you many times before, REPENT! As long as your name has not been published here for judgment, you can still repent. Until the last second, you can still repent. But once your judgement has been sealed by God and proclaimed to you, no repentance will be accepted by God.

The Lord is asking me to write down the list of the names whose judgment is impending. If the following do not repent NOW, their fate will be sealed:

– Rihanna (!!!!!!)
– Usher
– Zendaya
– Tom Holland
– 50 Cents
– Cardi B
– Shakira
– Jason Momoa
– Ryan Reynolds (!!!!!!)
– Adèle (!!!!!!)
– Denzel Washington (Your death is near, sir)

To Denzel Washington,

Thus says the Lord: “I have been preserving you and extending your time and my grace because your grandfather served me. Your great-grandfather served me. Your time is running out now. If you do not repent quickly, I WILL STRIKE YOU.

These are the people the Lord has asked me to enter into this list as A LAST CALL to repentance. Please remember that we are talking about the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the One true living God, Elohim, El Shadai, Adonai, YAHWEH, the Lord JESUS CHRIST. This is the God who says that His word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what He pleases and shall prosper in the things for which He sent it.

Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. He is sending His word now in this prophecy and it will surely prosper in the judgment it proclaims and promises. Do not underestimate God, do not be so foolish as to think that you can overlook and downplay His word.

‘“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved yourself. “Again, when a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbling block before them, they will die. Since you did not warn them, they will die for their sin. The righteous things that person did will not be remembered, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the righteous person not to sin and they do not sin, they will surely live because they took warning, and you will have saved yourself.” ‘ Ezekiel 3:17-21

I know I have done my work as a watchman, so whatever judgement falls upon you, the people of Hollywood, your blood shall be on your own hands.

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