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The Cost Of Fruitfulness.

Jesus Christ’s Fruit Factory is not targeted at people who desire to have the Lord as a “side piece” in their lives, but at those who are desperate and hungry for Him and want Him to be their PRIORITY. This is a ministry for people willing to pay the (high) price of consecration and sanctification in Christ – and reap their rewards, in eternity.

This paragraph is addressed to true Israel particularly: the Lord has given me at least a dozen of prophecies for you all who think you will dance your way into the promised land on Beyonce’s lemonade album (or whatever new devil-worshipping witchcraft-cursing song she has on the radio), smoking weed like Bob Marley, and body rolling like Usher.

Thus says the Lord:

“You have been deceived by the witches, sorcerers and warlocks you call leaders and role models who preach “back to the roots” and “reconnecting with the ancestors” as if they love you and are “rooting for the culture” but as soon as the cameras stop rolling or they have ended the live stream, they are trading your souls for money and fame to Baphomet.”

All those prophecies shall be published here in due time.

I have been called to those who, whether still unbelieving, newly converted, or veterans in the faith, desire to be a new breed of humans on earth – new wineskins who almost nobody around them will understand because they have put on the goggles of Christ and live by filtering everything through them. This sounds like a simple statement, a simple thing to assume or to do, but it truly isn’t.

‘“ I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2: 20

I will not cut corners and sell you a sugary Christian doctrine because nothing about life from 2024 moving forward is going to be sugary on this planet.

Please know that Yah has NO INTENT of sugarcoating anything in His Fruit Factory. Just read the name of this ministry again… not “a fruit from time to time”, or “some fruit if we get lucky”, but the fruit FACTORY. A factory is a place that manufactures a certain product on a large scale and in big quantities. This is what our Lord Jesus Christ is interested in: people who John 15 qualifies as fruitful branches that He will prune repeatedly so they can bear more and more and more fruit. 

This place is to build for Himself an army of lucid, wise and robust believers who desire to look at life the way He looks at it and can represent Him and accomplish the impossible in this world through the power alive within us in the Holy Spirit.

 The Lord is tired of whiny, arrogant, weak, powerless and unprepared believers – add on top of that a rebellious Israel, who have made up an idol of a certain god in their hearts that they claim is Him but this god is absolutely nothing like Him, despite them having His eternal living word accessible to them where His nature and personality is thoroughly documented and shows them exactly who He is. This self-imposed deception is only going to get worse in these last days. 

‘“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths” 2 Timothy 4: 3-4

When the twenty-first-century church hears “bearing fruit”, they think about something that will feel good and will be “peaceful love” for humanity or surface-level “good works” that they can take a picture of and post on Tiktok or whatever the new trendy social platform is, but this is simply not true. The church is suffering from demonic conditioning and programming. 

‘”The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” 1 Timothy 4: 1-2

Here is a truth: the real bearing of fruit for the Kingdom of God entails far more breaking and suffering than it does any “feel goodness” at all. This is because bearing fruit requires DEATH to self to be made alive in Christ, and death is never pleasant. 

‘“For we know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.” Romans 6:6

It requires spiritual pruning, testing and character moulding by the Holy Spirit, none of which are pleasant experiences. It requires constant, consistent and perpetual repentance and self-sacrifice, all of which are a trillion miles away from good feelings. 

If one cannot comprehend this basic truth, one will never bear any real fruit that will pass the test with fire. 

“Their work will be shown for what it is, because the Daywill bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.” 1 Corinthians 3: 13

If one is not willing to walk and live in this truth, then one will never bear any fruit for the Lord, and failure to bear fruit is setting one’s self up for a rude awakening on the last day when one will have to answer for what they did with the mandate that was upon their lives. 

Failure to bear fruit shuts the door of heaven in your face. Do not be deceived by the false prophets and the wolves in sheep’s clothing, the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ, spoke it out of His mouth.

When the Lord asks you what you did with the salvation He purchased for you with His own life by shedding His blameless and pure blood for your sins, what will you answer Him? 

Bearing fruit for the Lord means to make the conscious decision to forfeit your desires to pursue and accomplish His mandate for your life, which He predestined before you were sent to earth, in the completeness of  His exclusive standards of holiness and righteousness. 

Bearing fruit has nothing to do with feeling good about ourselves or indulging in the cravings of our flesh disguised as “God’s blessings” in the carnal jargon of the spineless, spiritually blind and immature modern church, plagued by a religious spirit and a lukewarmness that is full of witchcraft and deceit.

This church is a harlot married to the world yet claiming to belong to Christ. The vast majority of this church has been obsessed with its self-interests, SELFISH (!), stuck in a world that revolves around getting blessings, fame, money, good feelings, and claiming salvation whilst belonging to Satan because they will not listen to their Lord and sacrifice themselves for anything or anyone.

This kind of attitude will NOT stand in the end-times, forget it.

Most of the Lord Jesus Christ’s true personality has been ignored and erased from modern Christian doctrine, despite Him having made sure to speak it out of His own mouth, and very clearly portray it throughout scripture so that we may know Him, His nature, character, standards and ways. The Lord is coming back for a SPOTLESS church, He said so Himself, and He will not lower His standards for anyone.

To the person who captures what I am saying right now, open your heart to the Lord and claim that freedom from the systems and the oppression of the world to begin living for the Lord. I know you know that this world is evil, now you have an opportunity to have something else, to become someone else, don’t let it pass you by.

Thus says the Lord: “Religion is poison”.

Do not be deceived, the Church that Jesus Christ considers HIS church is in no way what we see filling up these huge buildings. The darkness found in believers today has sent shock waves of corrupt teaching, false prophets and doctrines of devils to its heart, and impregnated her with rotten seed that can produce no fruit.

We are supposed to be the cure of mankind, the salt of the world, Yah’s lethal weapon to the kingdom of darkness and the very bearers of His light: Jesus Christ’s ecclesia,  His ruling cabinet on earth, His ride or die, His true church. This is fruitfulness, and it will cost you your desires and living by your standards.

It is time for us all to ask ourselves if we have been fruitful for the Kingdom of God. It is time for continuous repentance and reconciliation with the Lord. It is time to set ourselves apart, reject the things that our Lord rejects and embrace that which He embraces. Failure to do so qualifies us to be part of the group to whom the Lord will say:  

‘“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Matthew 7: 21-23.

So are you willing to pay the price?

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