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True repentance is deliverance out of the darkness into the light. Changing your thinking – repenting – is getting to know the truth that the Lord has revealed about that specific act you made that is sinful in His Sight and choosing to understand, integrate, and apply that truth to your life. That is true repentance. If you do not understand this, you will continue to live as a slave to sin and a permanent resident of the kingdom of darkness. you will call yourself a child of God, but you dwell with Satan.

As ordained in Ezekiel 3, I have done my job as a watchman in publishing the Lord’s words, instructions and warnings in this prophecy. Whoever reads or listens to what has been proclaimed here by Jesus Christ Himself and decides not to accept it as the truth but rather continue in their error and perdition, their blood shall be on their own hands.

The Fruit Factory is a call to True Israel and the end times Church. It is time for harvest. The Lord Jesus Christ is sounding the trumpet! Only the fruitful will make it.


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